IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Young Professionals


We live and work in a highly disruptive world. It is fast, highly competitive, tech-driven and often unforgiving. To add to this, young professionals getting onto the job ladder face enormous pressure to perform, strategically, analysing and resolving problems, taking the initiative as team players but with a show of individuality, all within an environment that expects you know the latest technologies.

The 2019 Deloitte Millennial Survey (which now surveys both Millennial and Gen Z employees) found that “49 percent of young professional would, if they had a choice, quit their current jobs in the next two years.” A quarter of those reported that they had left a previous employer within the past two years. The top reasons they reported for leaving include dissatisfaction with pay, lack of advancement opportunities, and lack of training and development. Young professionals are looking for growth and challenge, they are looking for opportunities that align with their values or lifestyle expectations, and they are looking for professional development.

IEEE collaborates closely with young people at university, engaging on technology events, challenges and supporting the acquisition of knowledge. There are over 150,000 students and professors from over 160 countries that keep IEEE young and active in building the future of technology. Our IEEE Young Professionals program continues that relationship, helping to elevate a professional image, access global professional networks, connect with peers locally and give back to the community. It encompasses all our members, from recent university graduates to experienced professionals and entrepreneurs.

During the two sessions, 13.30/15.30 and 16.00/18.00) at the IEEE World Forum on IoT in New Orleans, held in the afternoon on Wednesday 23 June 2021, we will be presenting:

  • the IEEE Young Professionals program and how to access its global network
  • insightful industry talks from young professionals and mentors
  • an “Ask Me Anything” hour

We will close with a very informal networking event with refreshing drinks and snacks on offer, giving the opportunity to meet up with speakers and the rest of the audience of the IEEE World Forum on IoT, locally and internationally (via Google Meet). Local young professionals and university students and professors are especially welcome!



Preeti Chauhan, Google, Santa Clara, USA

Dr. Preeti Chauhan is currently a Technical Program Manager (TPM) in the Data Center Quality and Reliability group at Google. Previously, Dr Chauhan was a Quality and Reliability TPM at Intel and led the Assembly and Test certification of Foveros 3D packaging technology and Server microprocessors. She is a senior member of IEEE, and co-editor of the data column in the Computer magazine. Preeti is also serving as BoD for IEEE IRPS and the Chair of 2.5D/3D Packaging track for IRPS 2021. She is a member of IEEE Reliability Society, representing the society in the IoT initiative.

Dr Chauhan received PhD in Mechanical Engineering from University of Maryland, where her research focused on lead-free solder interconnect reliability. She is a recipient of the 2019 Intel Achievement Award for her contributions to development of industry first 3D packaging technology for Intel processors and the 2017 Early Career Award from James Clark School of Engineering at University of Maryland, College Park in recognition of her professional achievements. She has authored a book on Copper Wire Bonding, and published 20+ articles in peer reviewed journals and conferences in the areas of electronic packaging reliability and Prognostic Health Management.