IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

WS1: IEEE Entrepreneurs Workshop

Date: Sunday, 5 April, 2020
Time: 8:30-18:30
Room: TBD


Entrepreneurship and Innovation have become the two most searched for Words on Google. Every country, region, city and university have established entities that promote the growth of Start-Ups that they hope will create new industries and jobs. In addition, every company in the world has people focused on what they can do next to grow their business. The IEEE has established a Board Level committee that is promoting Entrepreneurship and the development of resources for its Members that want to create opportunity within their own company or take the risk and create a Start-Up venture.

This Workshop will detail the process for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, resources and how the Internet of Things is the foundation for the biggest growth of Start-Ups that has ever existed.

The event is intended to inspire, educate, enable and empower researchers, industry professionals and students who have the ‘Start-Up bug’ in turning their ideas into new products and services but are not sure of how to go about it. You cannot learn everything in one day; however, the participants will become a part of an IEEE led ecosystem that will provide much-needed ongoing support to launch their initiatives while being realistic about their envisioned ideas and products.

If you are an IEEE Member, this Workshop is just the beginning of what we will do together.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Learn about the tools and resources that will help develop ideas, manage goals, find investment and go to market as a new company.
  • Using a Cloud Based Tool to manage your Start-Up. Learn from the world’s best Cloud Company on their tools, resources and experience.
  • Case Studies of Successful Entrepreneurs. Learn from people that have been successful.
  • IEEE Entrepreneurship Network. How to become a part of the growing Network of IEEE professionals that are developing new ideas and industries.


Sunday, 5 April, 2020

8:30-10:30 – Session 1, Keynote Speakers
Talk 1: “The State of Entrepreneurs and Start-Ups in the world today”, Lee Stogner, IEEE Internet of Things Initiative
Talk 2: “Entrepreneurship at the IEEE. People, Resources and a Worldwide effort to promote Entrepreneurship to over 400,000 Members”, Subodha Charles & Ken Stauffer, The IEEE Entrepreneurship Committee

10:30-11:00 – Break

11:00 – 13:00 – Session 2, Amazon AWS for Start-Ups
Talk 3: “This will be a two hour Workshop that will detail how people and their Start-Ups use Amazon AWS to launch and manage their activities”. Lorraine Bassett, PHD, Principal Technical BD Leader for AWS IoT at AWS, Amazon

13:00-14:00 – Lunch

14:00-15:00 – Session 3, Innovation Development and Financing for Start-Ups
Talk 4: “The hero’s journey of how a start-up successfully creates a culture and business of innovation that gives rise to radical ideas, market disruption, and epic opportunities”, Chris Tisdel, President, Ruckus Innovation Consulting
Talk 5: “There are a variety of ways in which Entrepreneurs can find funding for their Start-Up. This presentation will cover the best”. Mike Katz, Managing Director, Benson Capital Partners

16:00-16:30 – Coffee Break

16:30-18:30 – Session 4, Planning, Execution and Ideas for Start-Ups
Talk 6: “Innovation is a pain – So focus. Startups take an existing problem and come up with better, faster, cheaper solutions. The process is not for novices or the faint of heart. And as the foundations of many industries and businesses crumble, the need to deliver innovative and sustainable solutions continues to deliver results. Compared to large companies, startups find themselves well positioned to turn new ideas into commercialized products. This path to success is filled with challenges but benefits greatly from project management best known practices and methodologies. This session will explore the challenges and the path to innovative and repeatable success”. Dr Keith Plemmons, Partner, Vincula Group

We will close with an Open Discussion with all Speakers answering questions from the Audience.

Wrap-Up the day of presentations with what we can do together after the Workshop to continue to build the IEEE Entrepreneurship Network of successful companies.


Lee Stogner, IEEE Internet of Things Initiative, Chair, IEEE Digital Transformation Working Group, P2023

Thomas Monaco, Project Manager, IEEE Entrepreneurship Initiative

Who Can Participate?

A general audience with an interest in the business aspects of IoT, consisting of individuals responsible for innovation within existing companies, or the art of starting new companies focused on IoT solutions and applications.

Note: Before the Workshop, the Audience is encouraged to review several free online resources that will provide reference information from world-wide business sources. These resources can be found at,

IEEE Entrepreneurship

Innovation / Venture Capital / Startups by Lee Stogner