IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

VERT5: Industry and Manufacturing (Including Shipbuilding and Logistics)

Dates: Tuesday, 7 April 2020-Wednesday, 8 April 2020
Time: 8:30am-6:30pm
Room: Newberry Room


Organizations working with Engineered and Manufactured systems have decades of pioneering experience in the design, implementation, and operation of instrumented products.  Aerospace, automotive, maritime, and building systems are often highly laden with sensors that observe real-time performance of these product systems as they operate.  Remote observers may communicate and even control these systems from afar.  Over the lifetime of these systems – airplanes, cars, buildings, and ships – data on the performance across a large set of diverse, released product systems reveals much about the gap between as-designed, as-built, and as-operated actual systems.

Therefore, the IoT trend is not new to our community, yet the scale, reduced latency and cost, heterogeneity, and especially interconnectivity of these systems across economic and social infrastructures has been dramatic. Most significantly, rather than viewing these data sets product by product, we need consider the performance of instrumented products in the interplay amongst many systems and especially with people.  To take advantage of these opportunities, not only must the design of our engineered systems advance, but also how we engineer will be transformed.

In the IEEE World Forum on IoT Industry Track we will discuss recent cases and emerging research on the application of IoT in industry.  We will discuss the transformation of industrial organizations to become aware, explore, and rapidly respond to new data science capabilities.  The important concurrent trend in model-based or digital engineering along with IoT will also be considered.  Finally, we will bring in the discussion of instrumentation of teamwork:  the capability to see and predict in real time the performance of human teams as they work, coordinate, work, make mistakes, adjust and learn (or not.)  Speakers and papers from engineering and manufacturing in aerospace, automotive, maritime, and building infrastructure are welcome.

Track Chair

Bryan Moser Academic Director, System Dynamics & Management, MIT, Cambridge, MA USA

Dr. Bryan Moser is Sr. Lecturer and Academic Director of System Design & Management (SDM) at MIT, and a Project Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo, where he directs the Global Teamwork Lab (GTL.  Prior to returning to MIT in 2014, he worked for 25 years in industry; as a research engineer at the Basic Science Lab (A.I.) of Nissan Motor Company, as a Sr. Research Scientist at United Technologies Corporation, and as founder and President of Global Project Design, a firm pioneering software and methods for model-based project management. Moser focuses on engineering teamwork for complex systems problems and use of model-based methods to improve performance of diverse teams.   Moser received a Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering in 1987 and a Master of Science in Technology and Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1989. His doctorate in 2012 is from the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences.



Ira Winder, MIT

Ira is a researcher, educator, and practitioner who specializes in end-to-end design, development, and implementation of interactive simulations for solving complex problems in industry, academia, and public agencies. Ira’s range of expertise includes Computer Science, Mathematical Modeling, City Planning, and Architectural Design. He is currently a Researcher with dual appointments at the MIT Engineering Systems Laboratory (ESL) and the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS). He holds a Master of City Planning (MIT, 2013) and Bachelor of Science and Design (MIT, 2010).

As a Technical Instructor at MIT, Ira has taught Computational Urban Science at the undergraduate and graduate levels. As a Research Scientist, Ira invented the tangible interactive matrix (TIM), an integrated hardware and software platform that merges parametric, voxelated simulations with user-friendly tangible interfaces. His work is now a platform for interdisciplinary research, most notably the CityScope Project at the MIT Media Lab’s City Science Group. Ira has spoken and exhibited at venues including Autodesk University, TEDx Boston, US Chamber of Commerce, APA Planning Conference, Singapore World Cities Summit, Big Data Analytics Tokyo, Edinburgh Culture Summit, Guiyang Big Data Expo, and The G7 Conference for ICT. He made an appearance in “A Lego Brickumentary,” and his work has been featured on CBS, Financial Times Magazine, The Atlantic’s CityLab, and a White House report to the President on “Technology and the Future of Cities.”

Talk Title: Humans in the Loop: Sensing Teamwork During Multi-objective Optimization


Sohrab Modi, Chief Strategy Officer, Adesto Technologies, Santa Clara, CA (member of IEEE and the ACM)

Sohrab Modi is the Chief Strategy officer at Adesto Technology.  Adesto acquired Echelon corporation, an early pioneer of Industrial IoT solutions where Sohrab was its Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Senior Vice President (SVP) of Engineering. Sohrab spent many years in distributed computing and networking and as the Vice President and General Manager for N1 systems, he ran a pioneering offering in cloud and high performance computing from Sun Microsystems.  Sohrab also ran Sun’s clustering division and was subsequently responsible for exploring new business opportunities, like Sun’s early engagements into bigdata and software defined networking. While at Futurewei (Huawei’s), Sohrab spent 5 years as the CTO for its central and research division.

Talk Title: Pragmatic considerations for the Industrial IoT

Abstract: The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has been the subject of much recent attention regarding the use of data to help achieve better business outcomes. The IIoT is also poised to make an immense positive difference to the everyday lives of people, and yet, with all this positive affirmation of value, the actual adoption of IIoT into businesses and industry has been less than spectacular. While there are many obstacles to overcome that involve people, products and processes, this overview will discuss the general problems involved with deploying Industrial IoT, and suggest some pragmatic solutions to address the real concerns that industrial companies have about adopting IIoT at scale today.

Eric Jones, CEO of Enthought, Austin Texas

Widely known as one of the founding fathers of Python’s scientific community, Eric drives business growth through digital transformation. For more than 15 years, he has been an innovator in applying machine learning, image processing, 3D visualization, and parallel computing to elegantly solve the most complex business problems. Prior to founding Enthoughtin 2001, Eric focused on numerical electromagnetics and genetic optimization in the department of electrical engineering at Duke University. He holds both a Ph.D. and M.S. in electrical engineering from Duke University and a B.S.E. in mechanical engineering from Baylor University.

Talk Title:There’s More to Digital Transformation than Meets the (A)I

Abstract: The proliferation of IoT solutions are generating a wealth of data with tremendous latent value.The solution to unlocking that value requires not only technology to efficiently find the patterns and new insights in the data, but a culture that values data, and talent that knows how to apply those insights for the benefit of the business. The right Digital Transformation initiatives always have a business objective. The right technology may or may not leverage AI. The work force must be transformed to think and operate digitally.We present examples of value-driven digital transformation that illustrate the power of applying digital solutions, AI, and digital training to solve business problems. We lay out how these solutions transformed both digital and human capabilities, as well as where this kind of digital transformation will be critical to the growth and longevity of the industry’s innovation.


Yaniv Mordecai, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, USA

Dr. Yaniv Mordecai is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Engineering Systems Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA, and a senior systems architect with Motorola Solutions, working on R&D of mission-critical technology for public safety and homeland security. Dr.Mordecai is an adjunct lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Technology Management, Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel, and a research affiliate at Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.He holds a PhD in Information Systems Engineering from Technion (2016), and MSc (cum laude) and BSc in industrial engineering from Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel (2010, 2002). Yaniv is a Senior Member ofthe IEEE, founder and chairperson of the Israel Chapter of the IEEE Systems Council, and recipient of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society PhD Diploma Award (2017). Yaniv is a member of INCOSE,board member of INCOSE Israel Chapter, founder of the INCOSE IL Model-Based Systems Engineering Focus Group, and recipient of the Omega Alpha Association’s Exemplary Systems Engineering PhD Dissertation Award (2017). His research interests include model-based systems engineering, cyber-physical informatics (decision automation, artificial intelligence in cyber-physical systems, interoperability, command& control, mission-critical capabilities), risk analysis, robotics and automation, and concepts of operations.His application domains include but are not limited to aerospace, defense, homeland security, public safety,airport operations, information technology, cyber security, and industrial robotics and automation.

Talk Title: Digital Systems Engineering for Digital Transformation in Cyber-Physical Systems.

Abstract: The “Digital” hype is creeping backwards along the value chain, from service and manufacturing to design and architecture. The focus in digital transformation is on making enterprises smarter by incorporating sensors, actuators, controllers, and enablers into everyday work, whether it is done by customers, salespersons, assembly technicians, developers, designers, architects, or business analysts. Systems Engineering is the discipline that oversees this transformation in several planes: obviously in the integration of technologies, e.g. sensors and existing control systems, or legacy databases with customer-controlled smart apps. But it also governs the enterprise process cutting across disciplines to ensure that it is not becoming a conglomerate of digital silos. In both cases the systems engineering delivery must be digitized as well, to align with and propagate into enterprise transformation, to feed the previous and next stations in the value chain, and for two way engineering-operations technology integration with model-system interaction and operational data-driven engineering decision making. In this talk we will discuss all these terms and how they converge to create and reinforce a holistic systems perspective on cyber-physical systems in the IoT and digital transformation era.

Sai Yamanoor, Linde Inc, NY

Sai Yamanoor is an IoT Applications Engineer at Linde, an industrial gases company in Buffalo, NY. He has over six years of experience as an embedded systems expert, working on both hardware and software design and implementations. He is a co-author of two books on the use of Raspberry Pi to execute DIY projects, and he has also presented a Personal Health Dashboard at Maker Faires across the country. Sai is also currently working on machine learning projects aimed at improving Quality of Life (QoL) for people with chronic health conditions. His profile can be viewed at:

Talk Title: “Developing Low Cost Edge Devices for the Manufacturing Floor – Challenges & Opportunities”

Abstract: With the advent of low cost connectivity options for IoT (“Internet of Things”), there has been a surge in the number of connected devices deployed by organizations. This is driven by democratization achieved by open source hardware. This has enabled collection of a large volume of data from the field to optimize product throughput, monitor performance, predict failures etc. In a typical IoT application, every single data point is uploaded to the cloud for further analysis. It can be very expensive to upload and store data points from thousands of IoT devices. Edge computing provides an opportunity to run AI toolsets right next to a sensor node instead of the cloud. This eliminates the need to upload every datapoint to the cloud and problems could be detected at the “edge”. The reaction time is also relatively faster when the inference happens at the edge.
There are challenges to overcome such as identifying the right toolset, identifying the “low hanging fruit” when it comes to new product development, data collection, finding the appropriate business model etc. In this talk, I will highlight the different opportunities and challenges when it comes to developing an edge device. I will also share my strategy for meeting product cost targets and saving time and resources during the development cycle.

Chiz Chikwendu, Cumulus Digital Systems

Chiz Chikwendu is the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at Cumulus Digital Systems. At Cumulus, he leads a talented team of product and software engineers in the continued development of the Smart Torque System, a digital bolted joint management system deployed across industrial facilities around the globe. Prior to co-founding Cumulus, he led the Electrical Engineering design team at Shell Techworks (STW), Shell’s technology center focused on identifying, de-risking, and developing new technologies across the business and within the energy industry. It was his time at Shell Techworks that led him to build the technical frameworks that would become the Smart Torque Program later becoming the successfully commercialized flagship product of Cumulus Digital Systems platform.
Chiz previously held technical roles in medical and aerospace industries before joining Cumulus.
He holds a Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering; Computer Science from Yale University,
and a Master of Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Electrical Engineering. He
currently lives outside Boston where he enjoys playing the bass guitar, spending time with his
wife, son and daughter.