IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Tutorial Submission Guidelines 


Guidelines for the
Tutorial Presentation Slides Submission

  Download Tutorial Submission Guidelines PDF


The Presenters of accepted Tutorial proposals are requested to E-Mail the Tutorial Presentation
Slides by 20 February 2020 (Preliminary Tutorial Slides Submission Due Date) to IEEE WF-IoT 2020
Tutorial Co-Chairs. For any revisions, if recommended the Final Tutorial Presentation Slides are to be
submitted by 5 March 2020 (Final Tutorial Slides Submission Due Date).

Copyright Concerns

  •  Signed copy of the Standard IEEE Release Form by the Presenter(s)
  • The Copyright of Tutorial Presentation slides remains with the author(s) and presenter(s).
  • Authors and presenters are responsible for obtaining the permission from the copyright
    owners for any of the copyrighted material, and the use of another Organization’s data,
    figures, plots, and so on in their presentation slides.
  • Research works and published literature used in the presentation slides must be referenced
    with source citations.

Guidelines for the Tutorial Presentation Slides Submission

  • Final PPT slides submission must be in Original. PPT Slides or content from previous
    presentations, literature or existing works need to be cited. PPT Slides AS IT IS from existing
    works without any revisions WILL NOT BE considered in IEEE WF-IoT 2020 Tutorial
    Presentation Schedule.
  • After the submission of tutorial slides, if necessary and recommended the major overlapping
    sub-sections of the slides need to be revised. This is only to ensure that the conference
    tutorial presentations are distinct and diverse. The program schedule and conference mobile
    app will include the tutorial title, presenter(s) name with affiliation and tutorial abstract. The
    conference registration members will be given access to the presentation slides.

Tutorial Slides Format

  • For two hour presentation: 70-85 slides, and for four hour presentation: 160-180 slides are
    recommended. The presenters can vary the number of slides accordingly.
  • Presentation slides standard format is 4:3 ratio.

Tutorial Slides Submission
Final tutorial slides submission to include the following:

  • Latest biography (220-250 words), most recent thumb-nail photograph and final tutorial
    abstract (15 lines nearly) to be included in the program schedule.
  • Tutorial Handouts in both PDF format and PPT are to be submitted. For large files, ZIP archive
    is recommended.
  • Signed copy of the Standard IEEE Release Form by the Presenter(s).
  • The tutorial presenter(s) need to register for the conference. The registration link is given as


  • Presenters are requested to bring their own laptop, chargers, adapters and corresponding
    cables (VGA, HDMI, etc.). The USB drive may also be considered as the backup of the

Important dates for Tutorial Presentation Slides Submission
Preliminary Tutorial Slides Submission Due Date: Monday, 20 February 2020
Final Tutorial Slides Submission Due Date: Monday, 5 March 2020

Contact for Tutorials Co-Chairs
Bala Krishna Maddali, GGS Indraprastha University, India. E-Mail:
Christine Miyachi, Xerox Corporation, USA. Email:
Doug Zuckerman, Perspecta Labs, USA. Email: