IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Track 19.10

IoT & AI Technologies: Embedded Solutions for Future Automotive Systems

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: January 15, 2020

Author decision notification: January 26, 2020

Final paper & copyright submit deadline: February 27, 2020


    Paper Submission



Automotive electronics are the major innovation driver of today’s and future’s vehicles. Research topics of interest include the following research questions: How do you get high integration? What does a migration process look like? What does a development process look like?

Which technical boundary conditions can be met and how? What do vehicle architectures look like? How can Freedom from Interference be guaranteed? How can we leverage virtualization solutions for heterogeneous processor architectures? What do the architectures look like incl. multi-core technologies? Neural networks / AI, IoTs, HW accelerators, performance processors, real-time processors, meet requirements for fail-operational? How do certification approaches look like? How can we make good use of Cyber-Physical Systems? New use cases and solutions using the cloud. Vehicle as an IOT device …. among other.

The special session will discuss the corresponding questions and challenges of actual and future automotive hardware/software platforms including their reliable integration with available technologies. Especially IoT and AI issues incl. on-demand accelerators and monitors for innovative industry-relevant approaches with scalability and virtualization solutions are crucial in this context. The sessions will focus on embedded heterogenous E/E architecture solutions, platform development methods, processes and tool flows. Here different safety-critical applications and multi-domain use-cases in automotive will be discussed, e. g. also within the context of corresponding german flagship project initiatives like ARAMiS (Automotive, Railway and Avionics Multicore Systems) and ARAMiS II.

Planned format of the special session including a panel discussions:

  • 2 Special Sessions slots planned: each of them with 3-4 oral presentations, incl. short or long papers to be published in the proceedings of WFIoT 2019. Each session is addressing a particular hot topic in future automotive electronics and should be opened by an invited introductory talk. A panel discussion after the 2 sessions should be also a very good option to be considered.

Brief description of publicity plan: the contributions of the special session should be included either as short or as long papers into the conference proceedings and should be published in IEEE Xplore®.

Special Session Chairs :

Prof. Jürgen Becker, ITIV, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany,

Florian Oszwald, BMW Research and Development, Germany,