IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Track 14.1

Vehicular Edge of Things Computing for Sustainable Internet Services Provisioning


Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: March 22, 2021
Paper acceptance notification: April 13, 2021
Camera-ready submission: April 30, 2021


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The wide spread of Internet of Things (IoT) in many life fields and its ever-evolving open various research points in the direction of employing IoT as a computing architecture to support Internet services. As known, IoT-devices are limited-energy resource-constrained devices, however; they are existing with a massive number and through different platforms. In addition, a lot of users of IoT-devices are mobile users that can be existed in many locations. The leverage of utilizing networked IoT-devices as collaborative resources architecture of computing and storage can help provision Internet services efficiently.

Many IoT-devices are handheld and supported with diverse communication technologies. In case of having reachable 4G/5G-enabled IoT devices, multiple Internet services can be offered and supported anywhere. Moreover, connecting a set of IoT-devices together to enable sharing resources, e.g., computation and storage, will extend the capability of such devices to a range that can cover large number of heterogeneous Internet users and various Internet services. Hence, the computing architecture will be established at the edges of Internet based on IoT devices, i.e., edge of things computing.

Accordingly, there are many challenges to be tackled to leverage the availability of mobile massive number of IoT-devices moving with vehicles speed to build a collaborative computing architecture taking into consideration the privacy preservation. The purpose of the special session is to examine what has been accomplished so far in designing and developing models of computation and communication for having smart collaborative computing based on IoT-devices at network edges for supporting various Internet services and applications with diverse QoS requirements and policies. Prospective authors, from academia and industry, are invited to submit original papers on topics including, but not limited to:

  • Edge of things computing architecture comprising vehicular IoT-devices.
  • Privacy-preserved management architecture of vehicular IoT-devices.
  • Machine learning-based tracking and location anticipation of resources at IoT-devices for real-time accurate resource allocation and services provisioning.
  • Efficient timely data analytics on IoT-devices for reliable computing.
  • Secure privacy-preserving data management at vehicular edge of things computing architecture.
  • Communication-enabling technologies and models of vehicular IoT-devices enabling collaborative resource sharing.
  • Performance evaluation of effective resource allocation and Internet service provisioning at edge of things computing architecture compared with other computing architectures.

Paper Submission Guidelines

All final submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages see web conference for instructions. Papers must be submitted through See conference web page for instructions:

Special Session Chairs:

  • Bassem Mokhtar, University of Fujairah, UAE
  • Mohamed Azab, Virginia Military Institute, USA
  • Prof. Mohamed Eltoweissy, Virginia Military Institute, USA

Technical Progam Committeee:

  • Mohamed ElShimy, Alexandria University, Egypt
  • Mulhim Al-Doori, University of Fujairah, UAE
  • Said ElKhamy, Alexandria University, Egypt
  • Mohamed Rizk, Alexandria University Egypt
  • Hesham ElSayed, United Arab Emirates University, UAE
  • Eng. Mohamed Aboud, IEEE TEMS Regional Activities Chair and Global Innovation & Entrepreneurship Co., UAE