IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Track 13.5

Fog and Edge Computing for Beyond IoT Services and Opportunities


Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: March 22, 2021
Paper acceptance notification: April 13, 2021
Camera-ready submission: April 30, 2021


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    Paper Submission



As we evolve toward the Internet of Things (IoT), our 5G/6G and future mobile networks must support a much wider range of applications, including vehicular networking, automated manufacturing, smart cities, drones, smart grids, e-health, and the many emerging AI-enabled applications such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). The cloud computing plus communication pipe model is no longer adequate for supporting these emerging applications. Connecting every device directly to the cloud can often be impractical due to factors such as limited resources on the devices, software and management complexity, limited network agility and cognition, and system scalability. In such scenarios, users will desire local services. Future mobile networks will also require computing capabilities inside or close to the radio access networks (RANs) to enable advanced networking capabilities, such as establishing radio connections more timely and adjusting radio channel coding dynamically in response to changing user needs and communication environments, and allow user applications to be hosted in the RANs that are closer to the users.

These and the many other new requirements call for a new computing paradigm – fog/edge computing and networking. Fog/Edge envisions an open and standards-based horizontal architecture for distributing functions (from computing to storage to control and to networking functions) closer to users, not just to any specific type of network edge device but anywhere along the cloud-to-thing continuum that can best meet user requirements. Fog/Edge will integrate with the cloud to provide a seamless end-to-end computing platform along the cloudto-thing continuum. Fog/Edge services and user applications can be deployed anywhere along this computing continuum to best meet user requirements.

Fog/Edge is also gradually becoming a popular key research area. Starting from 2017, one of the first industrial panels was held to discuss Fog computing and networking in the IEEE 2017 IM in Lisbon, Portugal. Since then, similar events such as IEEE Fog Summer School in Shanghai (June, 2018), Second Winter school on Fog/Edge Computing (December 2020), and the 2ndFog World Congress (October, 2018) in San Francisco. Three industrial panels had been also organized in 2019 such as the IEEE 5thWorld Forum on IoT was held in Ireland in April; the 53rdIEEE ICC was held in Shanghai on May 20 – 24; the IEEE Globecom was held in Big Island, Hawaii on December 9 – 13. All of those industrial panels had attracted many attendees to join discussions

Paper Submission Guidelines

All final submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages see web conference for instructions. Papers must be submitted through See conference web page for instructions:

Workshop Chairs:

  •  Tao Zhang, NIST USA
  • Rajesh M Hegde, IIT Kanpur India\
  • Christopher Brinton, Purdue University USA

Technical Program Committee:

  • Tao Zhang, NIST USA
  • Prof Abhay Karandikar, Director, IIT Kanpur
  • Kaushik Pillalamarri, Wistron AI Edge
  • Prof. Hung-Yu Wei, National Taiwan University
  • Prof. Ai-Chun Pang, National Taiwan University
  • Prof. Yang Yang, Shanghai Tech (Chair of 1st Fog Summer School)
  • Dr. Doug Zuckerman, Chair of the IEEE Fog/Edge Industry Community
  • Rajesh M Hegde, IIT Kanpur India
  • Christopher Brinton, Purdue University USA
  • Prof. T. Russell Hsing, National Chiao Tung University