IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Vehicular Edge of Things Computing for Sustainable Internet Services Provisioning



The wide spread of Internet of Things (IoT) in many life fields and its ever-evolving open various research points in the direction of employing IoT as a computing architecture to support Internet services. As known, IoT-devices are limited-energy resource-constrained devices, however; they are existing with a massive number and through different platforms. In addition, a lot of users of IoT-devices are mobile users that can be existed in many locations. The leverage of utilizing networked IoT-devices as collaborative resources architecture of computing and storage can help provision Internet services efficiently.

Many IoT-devices are handheld and supported with diverse communication technologies. In case of having reachable 4G/5G-enabled IoT devices, multiple Internet services can be offered and supported anywhere. Moreover, connecting a set of IoT-devices together to enable sharing resources, e.g., computation and storage, will extend the capability of such devices to a range that can cover large number of heterogeneous Internet users and various Internet services. Hence, the computing architecture will be established at the edges of Internet based on IoT devices, i.e., edge of things computing. Accordingly, there are many challenges to be tackled to leverage the availability of mobile massive number of IoT-devices moving with vehicles speed to build a collaborative computing architecture taking into consideration the privacy preservation.

The purpose of the special session is to examine what has been accomplished so far in designing and developing models of computation and communication for having smart collaborative computing based on IoT-devices at network edges for supporting various Internet services and applications with diverse QoS requirements and policies. Prospective authors, from academia and industry, are invited to submit original papers on topics including, but not limited to:

  • Edge of things computing architecture comprising vehicular IoT-devices.
  • Privacy-preserved management architecture of vehicular IoT-devices.
  • Machine learning-based tracking and location anticipation of resources at IoT-devices for real-time accurate resource allocation and services provisioning.
  • Efficient timely data analytics on IoT-devices for reliable computing.
  • Secure privacy-preserving data management at vehicular edge of things computing architecture.


Bassem Mokhtar, University of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates

Bassem Mokhtar (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Alexandria University, Egypt, in 2004 and 2008, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from Virginia Tech, USA, in 2014. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering with the College of Information Technology, University of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates. He is also affiliated with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt. His research interests include embedding intelligence in energy-constrained networking operations, autonomic resilient networking, network semantics reasoning, and machine learning applications in computer networks. Additionally, He has been involved as a reviewer for various conference papers and journals including IEEE Transactions on Computers and Smart Grids, Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA) and IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. He is a researcher at and the founder of the Computer Networks Research Group (CNRG) at Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt. Furthermore, he is a researcher at and co-founder of the Center of Smart Nanotechnology and Photonics (CSNP), at the Smart CI Research Center of Excellence, Alexandria University, Egypt. Also, he participated as PI, Co-PI, and a researcher in a set of funded research projects that cross multi-disciplinary research fields including Internet of Things, Software Defined Networking, Optical Communications, and Flexible Electronics.

Mohamed Azab, Virginia Military Institute, USA

Mohamed Azab is an assistant professor in the computer and information sciences department. Mohamed received his doctorate in computer engineering in 2013 from The Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech, USA. He has multiple provisional patents, book chapters among various publications in archival journals and respected conference proceedings.

His research interests lie in the area of cybersecurity and trustworthy engineering ranging from theory to design and implementation. His recent research crosscuts the areas of Software Defined Networking (SDN) architectures and protocols, high performance and cloud computing, ubiquitous Internet of Things (IoT), and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS).

Mohamed is the founder of the Cyber Security and IoT lab hosting Mohamed’s Ph.D. and Masters students’ research activities. Mohamed acted as a keynote speaker in multiple prestigious conferences. He served on multiple conference and workshop program and steering committees.

Mohamed Eltoweissy, Virginia Military Institute, USA

Mohamed Eltoweissy is Department Head and Professor of Computer and Information Sciences, as well as Founder and Director of the Cyber Defense Laboratory at Virginia Military Institute.  Prior to VMI. Eltoweissy served as Chief Scientist for Secure Cyber Systems at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. He also served on the faculty of Virginia Tech and James Madison University.

Eltoweissy’s current interests crosscut the areas of network security and resilience, nature-inspired computing and communications, cooperative autonomic systems, cyber-physical systems, and networking architecture and protocols.

Eltoweissy has over 185 publications in archival journals and respected books and conference proceedings and an extensive funding record of about $20M. He also served on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Computers (the flagship and oldest Transactions of the IEEE Computer Society) as well as other reputable journals.

In addition, Eltoweissy is active as an invited speaker at both the national and international levels. Eltoweissy received several awards and recognition for research, education, service, and entrepreneurship, including best paper awards, top placements at Cyber Security competitions, and a nomination for the Virginia SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Awards, the highest honor for faculty in Virginia. Eltoweissy is a senior member of IEEE and ACM.

Paper Scheduling

Organized on – 28th June, 2021 at 10:30 – 11:30 EDT


10:30 – 10:55 [Invited speaker] – Sensor-less Energy-free Sensing: The Future of Ubiquitous Context-Awareness for the IoT, Prof. Moustafa

Youssef, American University in Cairo and Alexandria University, Egypt

10:55 – 11:05 [Q&A with paper presenter 1] – Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffic Monitoring System in Smart City Scenarios, Marco Bertolusso, Michele Spanu, Matteo Anedda, Mauro Fadda, Daniele Giusto
11:05 – 11:15 [Q&A with paper presenter 2] – R-CAV: On-Demand Edge Computing Platform for Connected Autonomous Vehicles, Mohammad Hoque, Raiful Hasan, Ragib Hasan
11:15 – 11:20 [Q&A with paper presenter 3] – Vehicular Edge of Things Computing for Sustainable Smart IoT Services, Catherine Nayer, Mohamed Gad, Bassem Mokhtar, Mohamed El Shimy
11:20 – 11:25 [Q&A with paper presenter 4] – Towards Optimized IoT-based Context-aware Video Content Analysis Framework, Gad Gad, Eyad Gad, Bassem Mokhtar
11:25 – 11:30 [Q&A with paper presenter 5] – Machine Learning-based Services Provisioning for Intelligent Internet of Vehicles, Ahmed Afify, Bassem Mokhtar

