IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Young Professionals

Virtually attend the Young Professionals sessions FREE-of-CHARGE. Just click on the links below to attend your session of choice. If you would like to receive further information about these sessions once they are over, please click here, and provide us with your contact details.




Track Chairs Days Scheduled (US Eastern Time)
YOUN2: Young Professionals Abdelhamid Moursy, Technical Program Manager at Itron, Houston TX USA Tuesday June 22nd , 2021


YOUN2.1  1:30pm-3:30pm


YOUN2.2  4:00pm-6:00pm

YOUN3: Young Professionals Preeti Chauhan, Quality and Reliability Technical Program Manager at Google, Santa Clara CA USA

Emre Ayranci,  IEEE Young Professionals (YP) Committee chair, Principal Engineer at pSemi/Murata, San Diego, CA USA

Wednesday June 23rd, 2021


YOUN3.1  1:30pm-3:30pm


YOUN3.2  4:00pm-6:00pm



Tuesday June 22nd, 2021

1:30pm – 6:00pm (EDT)


Career Growth: Resilience in Times of Change

Scope of Workshop

  • Managing career is vital whether the attendee is just entering the market place or already has a career.
  • An essential element of career management is structured career planning.
  • The workshop aims to ready WFIoT 2021 attendees and university students to connect with the 21st century mind set and equip them with tools to secure a career in their respective fields.
  • The workshop will consist of 2 sessions focused on specific assets and skills required for competent and confident job applicants. It makes them aware of their strengths and weaknesses and the skills and knowledge that are required to achieve their goals in future.

Workshop High-level Objectives

  1. Introduction- Raise the awareness
  2. Networking, rebranding, and marketing plan
  3. Resume and cover letter
  4. career growth
  5. Effective Writing and Communication

Who Should Attend

  1. Universities students (undergrad, graduate, Internship)
  2. WFIoT 2021 Attendees
  3. Young Professionals
  4. Professionals looking to change career

What You Will Learn?

Upon successful completion of this workshop, attendees will learn:

  1. How to rebrand yourself
  2. Marketing your brand
  3. How to create ATS compliant resume
  4. How to Network effectively
  5. Effective Writing and Communication



Abdelhamid Moursy, PhD, SM-IEEE 

Dr. Moursy has extensive experience and successful record of accomplishment in wireless networks engineering and program management. He is very active in the area of career management and networking.





Magi Agrama, Career Growth Mentor 

Mrs. Magi is a Career Growth Mentor. She is a life-long learner with an Engineering background. With +15yrs industry experience, she has come to embrace the power of leveraging how she thinks to grow her career and help others along the way — what she now views as differentiators.




Kalim Saiyed, International Career Management Consultant, President, Kalsai Group LLC

Mr. Kalim is an international career management professional and coach. He has extensive global experience in diverse industries such as Automotive, Aerospace, Oil and Gas, Marine and consumer products and serves as a Board member for two non- profit organizations making a difference in peoples’ lives.






Wednesday June 23rd, 2021

1:30pm – 6:00pm (EDT)



The 2019 Deloitte Millennial Survey (which now surveys both Millennial and Gen Z employees) found that “49 percent of young professionals would, if they had a choice, quit their current jobs in the next two years.” A quarter of those reported that they had left a previous employer within the past two years. One of the top reasons they reported was lack of opportunities for career advancement as well as inadequate training and development in the organization

Our IEEE Young Professionals program aims to help attendees elevate a professional image, access global professional networks, connect with peers locally and give back to the community. It encompasses all our members, from recent university graduates to experienced professionals and entrepreneurs.

During the afternoon and evening sessions, we will cover:

  • The IEEE Young Professionals program and how to access its global network
  • Insightful industry talks from young professionals and mentors on breaking into and building careers at Fortune 500 technology firms
  • Importance of career growth and networking for landing the next opportunities
  • Overview of individual contributor and management career paths, horizontal and vertical roles, rotations, and job satisfaction 
  • Importance of networking in landing new roles, transitioning into new industries
  • “Ask Me Anything” session for any career related advice

We will close with a very informal networking event with refreshing drinks and snacks, giving the opportunity to meet up with speakers and the rest of the audience of the IEEE World Forum on IoT, locally and internationally (via Google Meet). Local young professionals and university students and professors are especially welcome!

Time Agenda Presenter Affiliation
1:30-2:10 Introduction to YP Emre Ayranci pSemi/Murata, San Diego, CA USA
2:10-2:50 Career Growth in Tech Preeti Chauhan Google Corporation
2:50-3:30 Lessons from 20 Years in Tech Sarah Streit Intel Corporation
30 min Break
Time Agenda Presenter Affiliation
4:00-4:40 Ask me Anything Emre, Preeti, Sarah Multiple
4:40-5:30 Greater New Orleans: Better Tomorrow Michael Hecht Greater New Orleans, Inc.
5:30 onwards Networking N/A N/A



Preeti Chauhan, Technical Program Manager, Data Center, Google LLC

Dr. Preeti Chauhan is a Technical Program Manager (TPM) in the Data Center Quality and Reliability group at Google. Previously, Dr Chauhan was a Quality and Reliability TPM at Intel and led the Assembly and Test certification of Foveros 3D packaging technology and Server microprocessors. She is a senior member of IEEE, co-editor of the data column in the Computer magazine, and Reliability Society representative for the IoT initiative.




Emre Ayranci, RFIC Design manager and principal engineer at pSemi/Murata, San Diego, CA USA

Emre Ayranci is the IEEE Young Professionals (YP) Committee chair and SSCS Secretary/ Governance Chair. He is currently an RFIC Design manager and principal engineer at pSemi/Murata in San Diego focusing on 5G RF front end integrated circuits for flagship smartphones with over 30 pending and granted patents, after experiences at Intel, Broadcom, Marvel, German Aerospace Center and a startup as a lead designer for 10-100Gb/s wireline and wireless transceivers.




Michael Hecht, President & CEO, Greater New Orleans, Inc.

Michael Hecht is President & CEO of Greater New Orleans,  Inc., the economic development agency for southeast  Louisiana. Michael holds an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business, and an undergraduate degree from Yale. Recently, Michael has been recognized as “One of the Ten People Who Made a  Difference in the South,” “One of the 20 Business ‘Icons’ of the Tricentennial,” and  “2018 CEO of the Year.” With family roots in Louisiana back to the 1830s, Michael now lives in New Orleans  with his wife, Marlene, who is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at Tulane, and their two teenaged sons.


Sarah Streit, Product Quality and Reliability Manager, Intel Corporation

Sarah Streit has held various leadership positions at Intel Corporation over the last 20 years, including in Silicon and Packaging Technology Development as well as Product Development and Qualification. She currently leads the Product Quality and Reliability team for Intel’s Networking Products Group. Sarah lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband, three kids and two dogs.