IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Hurdles, Challenges, and Opportunities of IoT Moving Towards 6G


The scope of this Industrial Forum session is to address and discuss how to leverage on some recent results coming out of collaborative research funded projects (5GENESIS, CHARIOT, EFPF, ERATHOSTHENES, EU-IoT, InSecTT, Safety4Rails, SecureIoT, SHAPES, SymbIoTe, TSNWiFi) and participating companies, as well as having an open conversation on how to remove some important hurdles that slow-down, and even sometimes stop, an effective deployment of innovative IoT systems, moving towards 6G. The different speeches and demos highlight different aspects of some main hurdles in IoT deployments and which are the proposed solutions and workarounds to overcome or mitigate them.

This Industrial Forum session, moderated by Dr. Valerio Frascolla in synergy with known-experts in the IoT field (coming from university, research centers, SME, and industry), is split in two main parts:

–  At first two Demos and five Invited Talks take place, highlighting some interesting and diverse aspects of current and future IoT systems.

–  Then a Panel session is run in an interactive way, giving room also to the discussion of some questions that focus on the challenges and the way forward to IoT system in moving towards 6G.

Presentation Titles:

Demo #1: Nisrine Bnouhanna, Rute Sofia (Fortiss GmbH) ‘IoT data source to service semantic matching’ (examples from the EFPF, EU-IoT and TSNWiFi projects),

Demo #2: Venkatesha Prasad ’Extreme IoT’, based on an idea that won a challenge organized by Airbus (examples from the InSecTT project),

Invited Talk#1: Jürgen Neises ‘automated measurable Trustworthiness in IoT as a facilitator to mitigate risks in IoT, e.g. in Industry 4.0 or autonomous. Systems’ (examples from the SecureIoT project),

Invited Talk #2: Valerio Frascolla ‘issues and solutions for a live, mixed technology IoT deployment’ (examples from the 5GENESIS project),

Invited Talk #3: Konstantinos Loupos, Thomas Krousarlis ‘IoT cybersecurity and privacy, (I)IoT applications and service (blockchain))’ (examples from the CHARIOT and ERATOSTHENES projects),

Invited Talk #4: Gabriel Pestana ‚Mitigate the impact of loneliness through Gamification & IIoT’

Invited Talk #5: Artur Krukowski ‘Interoperability of IoTs in critical infrastructures (examples SymbIoTe, Safety4 Rails, and SHAPES projects)’s


Valerio Frascolla, Intel Deutschland Gmbd

Dr Valerio Frascolla (M) (MSc and PhD in Electronic Engineering) is Director of Research and Innovation at Intel in Munich and had been working in different roles at Ancona University, Comneon, Infineon, and as reviewer for the European Commission. He is in the advisory board of the projects LIPS, ULTRAWAVE, FORTE, and INTERCONNECT, and has served in different roles in other 17 funded research projects. Valerio has expertise in wireless systems architecture and requirements management, standards bodies attendance (3GPP, ETSI, IEEE), project and program management, and coaching. He is author of 70+ publications, his main research interest being 5G and beyond system design, with focus on spectrum management, AI, and edge technologies. He serves as reviewer for 25+ journals, has participated in the TPC of 60+ conferences, is associated editor of IET Quantum Communication, and has a track record as organizer of Special Sessions, Workshops, and Panels at international conferences. Valerio is quite active in several European associations, being Board of Directors member of the BDVA association, representing Intel in 5G-IA (serving as chairman of the 5G Vertical Workgroup), in the ETP Networld2020 (serving as co-chair of the Enabling Technologies for Future Vertical Ecosystem Transformation Workgroup), in Digital Europe (R&I Workgroup), in AIOTI, and finally in the German Bitkom association.


Venkatesha Prasad, Delft University of Technology, NL

Dr Venkatesha Prasad (M) is an associate professor at the Embedded Networked Systems group at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). At TU Delft, he has supervised 19 PhD students and more than 50 MSc students. He has (co-)authored more than 250 publications in the peer-reviewed international transactions/journals (TMC, ToN, TGCN,) and conferences (IPSN, EWSN, Mobicom) in the areas of Tactile Internet, Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), Energy-harvesting, 60 GHz mmWave networks, Smart-energy systems, Personal networks, Cognitive Radios and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). He has been successful in acquiring and executing several European and Dutch national projects in the above areas. Dr. Prasad has also received his 4TU University Teaching Qualification diploma with excellence in 2015. Recognizing his research contributions to IoT, he has been selected as an IEEE Communication Society (ComSoc) Distinguished Lecturer on the Internet of Things for the period 2016-2020. He has been contributing significantly to valorize research into practice by contributing to standards on Cognitive radios and Tactile Internet. He is currently the mentor of IEEE Tactile Internet standardization group. He is also leading many IEEE activities through positions in standards boards (secretary in the ComSoc standards board) and technical committees (vice-chair of cognitive networking committee in 2013-16). He is on the editorial board of many IEEE transactions such as IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transaction on Cognitive Communication Networks, and magazines and is a regular TPC member for many prestigious conferences, such as INFOCOM. He has been on the organizing committees on IEEE WF-IoT, ACM Mobihoc, ICC, Globecom, etc. He was responsible setting up the collaborations between TUDelft and the top school in India ( IISc, Bangalore) and he is anchoring cooperation between India’s space organization (ISRO) and TU Delft. He led student teams to win the worldwide Airbus challenge — Fly Your Ideas in 2019 and Impact challenge for startups in the Netherlands in 2020. He has received several best paper awards, notably, Mobicom and IoTDI. He is a senior member of IEEE and ACM. He is a Fellow of IETE. He completed his PhD from IISc, Bangalore, India in 2003. During his PhD research, a scalable VoIP conferencing platform was designed and the work led to a start-up venture, Esqube Communication Solutions. While at Esqube, eight patent applications and three PCT applications were filed along with his colleagues. He was instrumental in Esqube’s selection as top 100 IT innovators in India in 2006 by NASSCOM and top 100 promising companies in Asia by RedHerring in 2008.


Artur Krukowski, Intracom Telecom, GR

Dr Artur Krukowski (M) has been a Senior R&D Engineer and a Research Projects Manager at Intracom S. A. Telecom Solutions in Greece. He is responsible for coordinating groups’ activities related to industrial activities as well as research and development activities funded from both National and European Framework programs. His interests include Embedded IoT Systems, Digital Audio and Video Broadcasting, Immersive Reality Interfaces, e Learning and e-Teaching, New Media Technologies including Mixed-Reality systems and immersive user interfaces, satellite and wireless positioning technologies and GIS information systems. Over the last 25 years of being involved in EU research activities, Dr Krukowski has participated in over 25 projects funded by FP5, FP6, FP7, Horizon’2020, COST, Artemis-JU, AAL-JU etc., and over 50 development projects for industry. His research portfolio includes several books and chapter contributions, over 70 articles in referred IEEE journals and conferences. He is a frequent reviewer for IEEE journals and co-organizer of IEEE sponsored conferences and workshops. He has been a member of the Steering Board of the Networked Media (NEM) ETP and currently serves in a Steering Board of the NetWorld-Europe ETP as well as in the Steering Committee of the Industrial Management Group for Security (IMG-S) research. He frequently acts as an expert and rapporteur reviewing proposals submitted to EC research programs, such as Horizon’2020, Media Europe, FP7, COST, EUROSTARS, as well as various other national and international funded research programs.


Nisrine Bnouhanna, TU Munich

Nisrine Bnouhanna received an M.Sc  degree in Power Engineering from TU Munich in 2016. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at TU Munich while working as a researcher at fortiss in the Industrial IoT competence field. Bnouhanna’s research concentrates on semantic matching between services and  IoT data sources, service description models, and Things descriptions. She was previously involved in several H2020 projects and is currently leading fortiss’s participation in the H2020 project EFPF.


Rute Sofia, Fortiss GmbH, DE

Dr Rute Sofia (F) (PhD 04) is the Industrial IoT competence center head at fortiss GmbH, Munich, Germany, team focused on networking and computational architectures for next generation IIoT applications. She is also an invited Associate Professor of University Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias and an Associated Researcher at ISTAR-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal. Rute’s research background has been developed in industrial and academic context, and she has co-founded COPELABS (2012), a research unit of which she was the Scientific Director between 2013-2017. She has co-founded Senception Lda (2013), a startup focused on personal communication platforms, where she was

CTO/CEO. Her current research interests are: network architectures and protocols; IoT; mobility management and estimation; network mining. Rute holds over 60 peer-reviewed publications in her fields of expertise, including 1 book, several book chapters. Rute is an author of 9 patents. She is an ACM Senior member and an IEEE Senior Member, Associate Editor of IEEE Access and of IEEE Networks, and an N2Women Awards Co-chair (


Konstantinos Loupos, Inlecom Innovation, GR

Konstantinos Loupos (M) Head of R&D Program, holds an MBA (Hellenic Open University, GR), M.Sc. in Microelectronics Systems Design (University of Southampton, UK) with distinction and M.Eng. in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (University of Manchester, UK). He has extensive experience in embedded systems and sensors and microelectronics systems, security systems, IoT technologies and Cybersecurity. His research interests and activities range in Sensors and Systems for Structural Health Monitoring (tunnels, structures, bridges etc), Robotics for Civil Infrastructure Inspection, Security Systems (sensors and communications), Water Demand Management, Monitoring and Leakage Detection, Fiber-Optic Monitoring Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks and Communication Systems and Application Specific Embedded Systems. Konstantinos Loupos has actively and successfully participated in a series (more than 35, in the last 19 years) of EC co-funded projects (FP5, FP6, FP7, H2020, MED, GSRT and other) in the areas of SEC, IST, ICT, SME, NMP, COOP, MED, CBC-MED and TRANSPORT, with significant positions of responsibility (Project Coordinator, Technical Manager, Leader of Development teams etc). He has more than 65 publications in Conference proceedings, Journals, and book chapters. He is serving as a formal evaluator (expert) of EC projects in various topics of FP7, H2020, EUKERA/EUROSTARS, MCST, MED and several other programmes. Konstantinos Loupos is a certified PMP, Scrum, GDPR expert (Certified DPO), member of EUROPOL EC3 cyber security group and European Cybercrime Center, member of the Secure Platform for Accredited Cybercrime Experts (SPACE), member in the EUROPOL Data Protection Experts Netwrok (EDEN) and active member of the Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI). Currently Konstantinos Loupos is involved into several research projects such as: CHARIOT (coordination), ERATOSTHENES (coordination), ICONET (coordination), INTERQ (partner), PROFILE (ethics expert and DPO) and PILOTING (partner).


Thomas Krousarlis, Inlecom Innovation, GR

Thomas Krousarlis (M) holds a master’s degree (MEng) in Computer Engineering and Informatics from the University of Patras and an MSc in Information and Communications Systems Security. He has more than 7 years of experience in Solution Design in ICT sector in the fields of (I)IoT and cybersecurity. Currently, his research interests focus on IoT security, IT architecture and infrastructure security (Cloud, SDN, NFV), privacy and data protection, cryptographic/trust algorithms and distributed ledgers. He mainly works on the application of secure IoT solutions in a broad spectrum of domains, such as transport, energy, critical infrastructure and environmental protection. He has experience in the management of H2020 EC-funded research projects in the areas of Information Technologies, Transport and Aeronautics, and in research projects through international cooperation between the EU and Japan. He has previously worked as Project Manager in European Aeronautics Science Network (EASN) and as a Product Manager in PaperGo. He has also been R&D Consultant in industry and Principal Investigator of an innovative industrial process in the fields of printed electronics and advanced materials for secure IoT, in cooperation with FORTH.


Jürgen Neises, Fujitsu, DE

Dr Jürgen Neises (M) is Senior Consultant and manages the Fujitsu Europe R&I Subsidies Program. Since 1990, he has led a number of research and innovation projects on numerical simulation, infrastructure, mobile and security solutions in research and at Fujitsu. Jürgen’s track record includes high-performance computing, carrier-grade availability, and a wide range of security and IoT/AI related solutions. Jürgen has led Fujitsu’s participation in several FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects.



Gabriel Pestana, Inov, PT

Dr Gabriel Pestana (M) obtained his PhD at the Technical University of Lisbon in the area of Information Systems being a promoter of applied research methodologies in the fields of Knowledge Management and collaborative decision-making. His research addresses the study of Business Intelligence with requirements for real-time monitoring of business activity and situational-awareness. Has a consolidated experience at implementing modular solutions settled over the importance of data semantic, context awareness and visual data analytics with spatio-temporal events triggered based on the user role/profile. Experienced in conceptualizing and implementing innovative interfaces (e.g. interactive dashboards) with visual analytic models and techniques to support the decision making process. Has an active research participation on a set of national and international projects, related mainly to the following sectors: security and healthcare.