IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Private Networks for Industrial IoT in 5G/6G Era

Wednesday June 30th, 2021 10:30am -11:30am US Easteren Time



Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) systems focus on connecting industrial assets like machines and control systems with information technologies and business processes. IIoT systems are mission-critical in nature and require high-performance connectivity to meet stringent performance requirements. Among the candidate industrial wireless technologies, 5G holds the greatest potential. 5G provides the capability of a unified wireless interface to meet the requirements of diverse industrial applications. Operation of private networks is promisingto fully unleash the potential of 5G technology in industrial environments. Private networks enable a customized service while providing dedicated coverage and capacity, and intrinsic network control. This industry forum will focus on technical, regulatory and business aspects of private 5G networks for IIoT applications. It will also discuss the role of emerging technologies for 6G from the perspective of private networks and IIoT. The discussions by distinguished speakers will be rooted in technology challenges faced by industry verticals, spectrum opportunities and deployment options, IIoT platform solutions, and business strategies for private networks.

Presentation Titles:

Chandra Joshi – Shaping the Future of IIoT with 5G and TSN
Linus Thrybom – Private 5G Networks – An Enabler for Industrial IoT adoption
Tomoaki Ohtsuki – Machine Learning (ML)-aided mmWave Communications for Industrial IoT
Pablo Tomasi – Is now the time for Private Networks


Adnan  Aijaz,  Industrial 5G Innovation Lead, Bristol  Research  &  Innovation  Laboratory, Toshiba Europe Ltd., Bristol, U.K

Adnan Aijaz studied telecommunications engineering at King’s College London, UK, where he received a Ph.D. in 2014 for research in wireless networks. He has held various roles in industry, academia and corporate research during his 8+ years of experience in the wireless domain. He joined the Bristol Research and Innovation Laboratory (BRIL) of Toshiba Corporation in 2015, where he is currently leading the industrial 5G innovation programme. His recent research areas include industrial communication systems and automation networks, next-generation mobile/cellular (5G and beyond) and Wi-Fi technologies, cyber-physical systems, and robotics and autonomous systems. He has several patents and publications in these areas. He has been contributing to various national and international research projects and standardization activities related to 5G and industrial communication. He has been actively involved in various activities within the IEEE. He was the symposium co-chair for IEEE SmartGridComm 2015. He was the co-organizer for the 5G and Tactile Internet workshop (5G TACNET) held at IEEE WCNC 2017 and IEEE ICC 2018. He is an associate editor for the IEEE Internet of Things Journal.


Chandra Joshi, Co-founder and CEO, Nebbiolo Technologies, California, USA

Chandra Joshi is a serial entrepreneur and technologist with deep experience in networking technologies, high-end computer systems, microprocessors and supercomputers. Chandra co-founded StratumOne Communications that was later acquired by Cisco Systems. During his 12+ years at Cisco, he managed the development of line cards, ASICS & network processors that powered Cisco’s $10B+ routing and switching product lines. Prior to Cisco, he was a lead engineer that developed the first 4-way superscalar microprocessor at Silicon Graphics/MIPS Technologies. He holds a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York.

Linus Thrybom, R&D Manager, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden

Linus Thrybom is manager of the Industrial Networks and Control research team at ABB Research in Västerås, Sweden. His research interests include industrial communication and 5G, system architecture, distributed real-time systems and Internet of Things. He joined ABB Research in 2008, where he in 2015 became team manager in the Automation Solutions department.

Since 2015 he has also had a central role in the 5G activities of ABB and starting 2019 he is responsible for the Connected Systems technology area in ABB Research, as well an ABB delegate in 5G-ACIA. He received the M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, in 1991.

Tomoaki Otsuki, Professor, Keio University, Japan

Tomoaki Otsuki (Ohtsuki) received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Keio University, Yokohama, Japan in 1990, 1992, and 1994, respectively. From 1994 to 1995 he was a Post-doctoral Fellow and a Visiting Researcher in Electrical Engineering at Keio University. From 1993 to 1995 he was a Special Researcher of Fellowships of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for Japanese Junior Scientists. From 1995 to 2005 he was with Science University of Tokyo. In 2005 he joined Keio University. He is now a Professor at Keio University. From 1998 to 1999 he was with the department of electrical engineering and computer sciences, University of California, Berkeley. He is engaged in research on wireless communications, optical communications, signal processing, and information theory. Dr. Ohtsuki is a recipient of the 1997 Inoue Research Award for Young Scientist, the 1997 Hiroshi Ando Memorial Young Engineering Award, Ericsson Young Scientist Award 2000, 2002 Funai Information and Science Award for Young Scientist, IEEE the 1st Asia-Pacific Young Researcher Award 2001, the 5th International Communication Foundation (ICF) Research Award, 2011 IEEE SPCE Outstanding Service Award, the 27th TELECOM System Technology Award, ETRI Journal’s 2012 Best Reviewer Award, and 9th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China 2014 (CHINACOM ’14) Best Paper Award. He has published more than 200 journal papers and 410 international conference papers.

He served a Chair of IEEE Communications Society, Signal Processing for Communications and Electronics Technical Committee. He served a technical editor of the IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine and an editor of Elsevier Physical Communications. He is now serving an Area Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology and an editor of the IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. He has served general-co chair, symposium co-chair, and TPC co-chair of many conferences, including IEEE GLOBECOM 2008, SPC, IEEE ICC 2011, CTS, IEEE GLOBECOM 2012, SPC, IEEE ICC 2020, SPC, IEEE APWCS, IEEE SPAWC, and IEEE VTC. He gave tutorials and keynote speech at many international conferences including IEEE VTC, IEEE PIMRC, IEEE WCNC, and so on. He was a Vice President and the President of Communications Society of the IEICE. He is a senior member and a distinguished lecturer of the IEEE, a fellow of the IEICE, and a member of the Engineering Academy of Japan.

Pablo Tomasi, Principal Analyst, Omdia, UK

Pablo Tomasi is a Principal Analyst at Omdia where he leads the company’s research on private LTE and 5G networks. In this role he helps clients with their strategic decisions by providing in-depth analysis of innovative technologies, strategies, regulations, and emerging ecosystems in the private networks market. Throughout his career, Pablo has produced analysis and forecasts on multiple topics including private LTE and 5G networks and strategies, the smart cities ecosystem, IIoT strategies, and IoT business models. Pablo has spoken at numerous events including Private Networks in a 5G World, Total Telecom Congress, 5G World, and Smart Cities Week