IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Important Dates

Upload of Paper Virtual Presentation and Recording (Closed)

4 June 2021

Vertical and Topical Tracks Speaker Suggestions (Closed)

14 June 2021

Vertical and Topical Tracks Accompanying Paper Submissions (Closed)

24 May 2021

Vertical and Topical Tracks Accompanying Paper Acceptance Notification (Closed)

31 May 2021

Vertical and Topical Tracks Final Accompanying Paper Submissions (Closed)

14 June 2021

Paper Submissions (Closed)

15 February 2021

Tutorial Proposal Submissions (Closed)

15 February 2021

Late Breaking News Paper Submissions (Closed)

22 March 2021

Workshops/Special Sessions Submissions (Closed)

22 March 2021

Industry Forum Proposal Submissions (Closed)

22 March 2021

Authors Notifications (Closed)

13 April 2021 for Tracks 1-12

21 April 2021 for all other Tracks (Except V&T)

Final Paper Submission (Closed)

7 May 2021



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