IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Communications and Networking


Tuesday June 22nd, In Person and Virtual

St. James Room – Hilton Hotel Riverside


Karen Matthews, CEO, Purpose-Driven Consulting, South Windsor, CT USA

Mikhail Galeev, Wireless Research Scientist at Intel Labs Portland, OR, USA

Igor Alvarado, Igor Alvarado, NI (National Instruments), Austin TX USA

US Eastern Time Session Speakers



Topi2.1 Keynote Talks

  • Ronald Repasi, Acting Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC USA

Accelerating Digital Transformation through Emerging Technologies.”


“Hierarchical Federated Learning (HFL) Impact on IoT Application Architectures and Communications”




  • Khalid Elgazzar, Canada Research Chair on the Internet of Things, Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, ON Canada

“Intelligent ECG Monitoring using BLE Real-time Streaming”


“Connected ID: Identifying devices before they connect to the Network”




  • Ashutosh Dutta, Senior Scientist and 5G Chief Strategist, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Lab, and
  • Narendra Mangra, Globenet LLC, Washington, DC USA

“Future Networks: A 10-Year Vision from the International Network Generations Roadmap (INGR)”


  • Ashutosh Dutta, Senior Scientist and 5G Chief Strategist, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Lab, and
  • Eman Hammad, RELLIS, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce, TX USA

“Security challenges and opportunities in Future Networks”


The world is getting “smarter”.  Though we are social distancing, we are growing more and more (digitally) connected.  As we grow from smart, connected devices, to smart, connected building…to smart, connected enterprises (business, healthcare, etc.) …to smart, connected cities…to smart, connected (power) grids…and so on, we can begin to understand the impact of Internet of Things (IoT), including embedded computing, connectivity, and networking on our daily lives.  The truth of the matter is that we are surrounded by IoT every day.  In our homes, on our jobs (which may be from our homes), on the manufacturing floor (a.k.a. Industrial IoT or IIoT), or in an enterprise, stadium, airport and (almost) any other public venue, we use these intelligent devices/mediums to produce, send, receive, analyze, and make decisions.    IoT is everywhere. And while many like to look at the annual market reports, touting tens of billions of connected devices by 2023, the rest of us are looking at either how do we successfully implement IoT in our brownfield (where we want to retro-fit our current processes and equipment with some type of “IoT magic gadget” that will propel us forward to Industry 4.0), or how do we start in a greenfield? During this, is the ever changing landscape of Communications and Networking. This includes new approaches to Spectrum Sharing, the allocation of Spectrum at mmWave frequencies, the roll out of 5G Infrastructure, the transition to more software defined functionality, use of Open Source approaches, the rapid growth of demand for higher speed Broadband Services, the coalescence of Communication and Computing,  and the urgent need for Network protection against new threats.

Whether you are collecting, processing, storing, or analyzing data at the process-level, edge, on premise or in the public or private fog/cloud, your IoT implementation will rely on fast, efficient, secure, and reliable connectivity and networking. It is imperative that we envelop new applications with such capabilities.  Equally imperative is the need to ensure that the connectivity and network required for these applications are engineered and optimized for the purpose.  This sessions in New Orleans, bring together global experts from industry, government, and academia to discuss these topics to help move our world forward in its successful understanding and implementation of IoT. Through orchestration, IoTs can be easily integrated with existing business workflows and systems, perform distributed learning, and unify data from different IoT devices and systems.


Track Co-Chairs

Karen Matthews, CEO, Purpose-Driven Consulting, South Windsor, CT USA

Karen Matthews, a native of Baltimore, MD, began her academic career at the US Naval Academy, received a BS in Electrical Engineering from Morgan State University and a MEng and PhD in Electrical Engineering and an MBA, all from Cornell University.

Karen is the Founder and CEO of Purpose-Driven Consulting (PDC). Prior to PDC, she held senior positions in Corning Incorporated’s Science & Technology Division in opto-electronic packaging as a research and then senior research scientist, most recently working in early innovation stage markets and technologies for the optical communications sector to identify and help implement new growth opportunities in both wired (fiber, cable and connectivity) and wireless. Her focus on moving concepts through to commercialization remains, with a current emphasis on Digital Transformation, 5G, the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 Innovation.

Dr. Matthews has authored numerous publications and patents and is a member of several technical and professional organizations. She has served as an Executive Board member of Georgia Tech’s Center for the Development and Application of Internet of Things Technologies (CDAIT) – sitting on the Research Work Group and leading the Thought Leadership Work Group therein. Most recently, she has been invited as keynote speaker, moderator, panelist and open forum discussion leader at various 5G, Internet of Things and smart manufacturing conferences. She has Chaired the OFC 2020 N5 Market Watch, developing the programming for Market Watch, Network Operators Summit and Data Center Summit, and continues as an active subcommittee member for 2021 as well as co-chair of the 2021 IEEE World Forum track on Communications and Networking. She is an Executive Board member of The Upskill Foundation, a non-profit focusing on upskilling underrepresented groups in data science.


Mikhail Galeev, Wireless Research Scientist at Intel Labs Portland, OR, USA

Mikhail Galeev received the M.S. degree in applied physics from Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, in 1994, the M.S.E.E. degree from the University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, USA, in 1999, and the M.E.M. degree from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA, in 2009. He was the Founder of Z-Focus Technology Group, Palatine, IL, USA, a company that developed software to enable BLE applications. He is currently a Senior Research Scientist with Intel Labs, Hillsboro, OR, USA. With a primary interest in research and implementation, he has authored multiple publications and patents related to applications of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, Z-Wave, and other wireless sensor networks. His current research is focused in area of Wireless Time Sensitive Networks (WTSN) for a latency bounded, ultra-reliable communication in the next generation Wi-Fi.


Igor Alvarado, Igor Alvarado, NI (National Instruments), Austin TX USA

Igor Alvarado is an Account Manager for R&D and National Laboratories at National Instruments ( where he helps to develop collaborations and strategic partnerships with National Laboratories, not-for-profit R&D Centers and leading Research Universities in the U.S. in such areas as Cyber-Physical Systems, Smart Energy Systems, Medical Imaging/Devices and RF/Wireless Communications to improve engineering education, advance scientific research and accelerate innovation with support from NSF, DoD, DoE, NIH and other funding agencies.  Mr. Alvarado holds A.S. and B.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Kansas State University and has been with NI since 1999. He is an NSF Innovation-Corps mentor and has more than 30 years of practical experience in successfully developing and growing markets for high-technology products and services in the U.S. and Latin America. He has led the design, development and deployment of real-time, measurement and intelligent control systems that involve advanced numerical methods and algorithms using high-performance embedded computing platforms. He is an active member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), the International Society of Automation (ISA), the American Physical Society (APS), the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the National Organization of Research Development Professionals (NORDP). Mr. Alvarado has published several technical papers and has taught courses to engineers and scientists on instrumentation, control and automation applications in industry and academia; he has also been an invited keynote speaker at leading at national/international meetings, and has served as a consultant and advisory board member for academic institutions, corporations and research laboratories. In 2017, Mr. Alvarado received the prestigious Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association’s (ECEDHA) Industry Award for his contributions to the ECE discipline and to engineering education.



Ronald Repasi, Acting Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC USA 

Mr. Repasi is Acting Chief of the Federal Communications Commission’s Office of Engineering and Technology.  OET is the Commission’s primary resource for engineering expertise, and it provides technical support to the Chairman, Commissioners, and the FCC’s Bureaus and Offices.  He has 29 years of experience in managing the nation’s radiofrequency spectrum resource with extensive experience in satellite network communications, licensed wireless network operations and unlicensed technologies.  Mr. Repasi joined OET in 2003 and served as Office’s Deputy Chief since 2007.  He was the Commission’s Liaison to the Inter-department Radio Advisory Committee for several years.  He now serves as the agency’s representative on the Technical Panel established by the Spectrum Pipeline Act of 2015 to evaluate new and innovative approaches to increase the spectrum supply for non-federal operations while supporting equitable federal access to the nation’s valuable radiofrequency spectrum resource.  Prior to joining OET, Mr. Repasi spent more than a decade in the Commission’s International Bureau where he helped secure global spectrum allocations for fixed and mobile satellite services at two ITU World Radiocommunications Conferences.  He developed service rules for satellite operations, including provisions for shared satellite and terrestrial spectrum use.  Mr. Repasi holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from The George Washington University.


Mohsen Guizani, Professor, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar

Biography: Mohsen Guizani (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.S. (Hons.) and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer engineering from Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA, in 1984, 1986, 1987, and 1990, respectively. He is currently a Professor with the CSE Department, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. Previously, he served in different academic and administrative positions with the University of Idaho, Western Michigan University, University of West Florida, University of Missouri-Kansas City, University of Colorado-Boulder, and Syracuse University. His current research interests include wireless communications and mobile computing, computer networks, mobile cloud computing, security, and smart grid. Professor Guizani is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Network Magazine, serves on the editorial boards of several international technical journals and is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing journal (Wiley). He also received the 2017 IEEE Communications Society WTC Recognition Award as well as the 2018 Ad Hoc Technical Committee Recognition Award for his contribution to outstanding research in wireless communications and Ad-Hoc Sensor networks. He was the Chair of the IEEE Communications Society Wireless Technical Committee and the Chair of the TAOS Technical Committee. He is a Senior Member of ACM.

Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming our society in being widely adopted in almost all fields, such as smart houses, healthcare, and transportation. However, this ubiquitous connection brings with it many challenges that range from security, scalability, data analytics, to device-level protocols. In addition, there will be a large amount of data to be collected, shared, and processed. This fact raises many challenges on how to make the best use of this huge amount of data to improve the IoT systems’ security using artificial intelligence, taking into consideration the resource limitations in IoT devices and issues regarding data privacy. Different techniques have been studied and developed throughout the years. For example, Federated Learning (FL), which is an emerging learning technique that is very well known for preserving and respecting the privacy of the collaborating clients’ data during model training. The concepts of FL and Hierarchical Federated Learning (HFL) can be evaluated and compared with respect of detection accuracy and speed of convergence, through simulating an Intrusion Detection System for Internet-of-Things applications. Different kinds of datasets (e.g., NSL-KDD) are used to prove that the developed schemes are superior in terms of training loss, testing accuracy, and speed of convergence. HFL also showed its efficiency over FL in reducing the effect of the non-identically and independently distributed data on the collaborative learning process.
In this Keynote, we review the current efforts by experts to mitigate some of these challenges. Then, we showcase our research activities to contribute to these efforts and advocate possible solutions using AI and other tools. We provide ways on how to manage the available resources intelligently and efficiently to offer better conditions and provide improved services. Finally, we discuss some of our research results to support a variety of applications including how to secure these devices for successful healthcare service delivery in different aspects.


Khalid Elgazzar, Canada Research Chair on the Internet of Things, Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, ON Canada 

Khalid Elgazzar, is a Canada Research Chair and assistant professor with the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Ontario Tech University, Canada and holds an adjunct assistant professor position at Queen’s University where he also received his PhD degree in Computer Science from the School of Computing in 2013. He is the founder and director of the IoT Research Lab at Ontario Tech. Prior to joining Ontario Tech, he was an assistant professor at University of Louisiana at Lafayette and an NSERC postdoctoral fellow at Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science. Dr. Elgazzar was named the recipient of the outstanding achievement in sponsored research award from UL Lafayette in 2017 and the distinguished research award from Queen’s University in 2014. He also received several recognition and best paper awards at top international venues. Dr. Elgazzar is a rising world leader in the areas of Internet of Things (IoT), computer systems, real-time data analytics, and mobile computing. Dr. Elgazzar is currently an associate editor for Future Internet, Springer Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, and Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. He also chaired several IEEE conferences and symposia on mobile computing, communications and IoT. Dr. Elgazzar is Senior IEEE Member and an active volunteer in technical program committees and organizing committees in both IEEE and ACM events.

Abstract: The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) coupled with artificial intelligence has changed the way we carry out everyday business to become smarter, productive, and much safer. There have been many recent revolutions that IoT brought to a wide range of business and industrial sectors including smart cities, healthcare, emergency response, intelligent transportation, industrial automation and many more. We developed an innovative approach to perform ECG monitoring using BLE real-time streaming. The main objectives of are: (1) improve remote real-time ECG monitoring for long-term cardiac diagnoses at both the software and hardware levels; (2) collect real-time ECG signals using a lightweight, wearable, and unobtrusive body sensor not to interrupt the patient’s normal lifestyle; (3) Reduce time to action response should life-threatening conditions develop using a fast on-chip heartbeat classification and a robust notification system to alert healthcare providers; (4) Optimize data transfer between the smart patch and the backend system intelligently based on developing conditions and subject to the health providers’ data granularity requirements. In this talk, I will provide an abstract overview of the platform and focus on how we optimize the BLE communications using microservices.


Rishabh Singla, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX USA

Rishabh Singla received his B. Tech degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India during May 2013. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering at the Texas A&M University, College Station, USA. Rishabh’s research interests include network security with particular focus on IoT device identification, vulnerability analysis and security threat assessment using data analytics. This summer, he is currently working as a security research intern under awake security team at Arista Networks.

Title: Connect ID: Identifying devices before they connect to the network

Abstract: Increasingly, network smart devices are being deployed and operated over the network. The Mirai attack has shown that the vulnerabilities of these devices can be exploited to stage large-scale attacks. In this paper, we explore the potential for identifying a device before it connects to the network such that appropriate security postures can be taken based on the known characteristics of the device. We propose to identify a device by (1) Device Vendor (2) Device Operating System (3) Device Type. We propose to utilize several pieces of information available before a device is allowed to connect to the network, such as MAC address and DHCP packet information, to classify the device. We propose a number of algorithms to utilize this information to robustly identify the device on these 3 dimensions. We show that it is possible to effectively identify a device before it is allowed access on the network and thus inform the security policies governing the network.


Ashutosh Dutta, Ph.D. Senior Scientist and 5G Chief Strategist, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Lab

Ashutosh Dutta is currently Senior Scientist and 5G Chief Strategist at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Labs (JHU/APL), USA. He also serves as Chair for Electrical and Computer Engineering for Engineering Professional Program at JHU. His career, spanning more than 30 years, includes Director of Technology Security and Lead Member of Technical Staff at AT&T, CTO of Wireless at a Cybersecurity company NIKSUN, Inc., Senior Scientist in Telcordia Research, Director of Central Research Facility at Columbia University, adjunct faculty at NJIT, and Computer Engineer with TATA Motors. Ashutosh is author of more than 100 technical papers and 31 issued patents. Ashutosh is co-author of the book, titled, “Mobility Protocols and Handover Optimization: Design, Evaluation and Application” published by IEEE and John & Wiley. As a Technical Leader in 5G and security, Ashutosh has been serving as the founding Co-Chair for the IEEE Future Networks Initiative that focuses on 5G standardization, education, publications, testbed, and roadmap activities. Ashutosh is IEEE Communications Society’s Distinguished Lecturer for 2017-2020 and as an ACM Distinguished Speaker (2020-2022). Ashutosh served as the Director of Industry Outreach for IEEE Communications Society from 2014-2019. He was recipient of the prestigious 2009 IEEE MGA Leadership award and 2010 IEEE-USA professional leadership award. Ashutosh currently serves as Member-At-Large for IEEE Communications Society for 2020-2022.  Ashutosh is a Distinguished Alumnus and obtained BS in Electrical Engineering from NIT Rourkela; MS in Computer Science from NJIT; and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University, New York under the supervision of Prof. Henning Schulzrinne.  Ashutosh is a Fellow of IEEE and senior member of ACM.


Narendra Mangra, Globenet LLC, Washington, DC USA 

Narendra Mangra, Principal at GlobeNet LLC, is a transdisciplinary advisor and consultant in industry, academia, and government. He currently serves as the Future Networks International Network Generations Roadmap (INGR) Co-Chair, Applications and Services WG Co-Chair, INGR Young Professionals Education Chair, P1950.1 Smart Cities Framework Standards Development Co-Chair, Public Safety Task Force Contributor, Rural Communications Contributor, and the Telehealth Industry Connections Initiative Co-Chair. Narendra is also an Adjunct Professor at the George Mason University.

Narendra has a deep foundation in the wireless telecommunications ecosystem and wide experience with mobile and fixed broadband telecommunications, public safety, agriculture, transportation, and health care end users. His experience spans several key roles within the end-to-end mobile ecosystem stages, network design and deployment lifecycle, procurement lifecycle, and the program/project management lifecycles. His current interests include transdisciplinary frameworks, 5G and technology convergence, smart regions, and related ecosystems.

Talk Title: “Future Networks: A 10-Year Vision from INGR

Speakers: Ashutosh Dutta and Narendra Mangra

Abstract: Future networks and technologies promise to connect people, places, and things to fundamentally transform the way humanity work, live, play and engages with the environment. The IEEE Future Networks Initiative (FNI) International Network Generations Roadmap (INGR) is created to stimulate an industry-wide dialogue to address the many facets and challenges of the development and deployment of 5G and beyond in a well-coordinated and comprehensive manner. The INGR is designed to bring together a diverse stakeholder set that includes various academic, government, industry, and other interested parties to develop technology roadmaps for 3-year, 5-year, and 10-year time horizons. The IEEE technology roadmaps identify key technology needs, challenges and opportunities, potential solutions, and areas of innovation.

The IEEE FNI INGR activities began in 2017 as a white paper with 37 contributors. Since then, it has grown into 15 distinct working groups made up of more than 100 experts spanning industry, academia, and research labs. These working groups include Applications and Services, Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (AI/ML), Connecting the Unconnected, Deployment, Edge Automation Platform (EAP), Energy Efficiency, Hardware, Massive MIMO, Millimeter Wave and Signal Processing, Optics, Satellite, Security, Standardization Building Blocks, Systems Optimization, and Testbed. This presentation will address the highlights from the recently released IEEE FNI INGR 2021 Edition.


Eman Hammad, RELLIS, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce, TX USA

Dr. Eman Hammad is an interdisciplinary researcher focusing on the cybersecurity, trustworthiness and resilience of future networks, emerging technologies & critical infrastructure systems. Eman obtained her PhD in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the University of Toronto. She combines practical experience and theoretical research to shape her vision for resilient-by-design solutions in the connected world. Eman’s primary focus is on innovations in systems trust and resilience, and how a deeper understanding of interactions between systems’ components, communication and enabling technologies can help design new classes of operational solutions that are more resilient to cyber/physical disruptions. Her research has been recognized with merit awards (best paper award, best poster award) and has been featured on the Smart Cybersecurity Network.

Eman is a senior IEEE member who has been an active volunteer and is currently serving as the chair of Toronto ComSoc Chapter, and co-chair of the IEEE 5G Security working group for the International Network Generations Roadmap (INGR). She delivered several invited talks in academic and industrial conferences, chaired, and co-chaired several conferences and workshops. Eman is an active advocate for diversity in STEM and Cybersecurity. Her service has been recognized by IEEE chapter achievement and exemplary service awards.

Talk Title: “Security challenges and opportunities in Future Networks

Speakers: Ashutosh Dutta and Eman Hammad

Abstract: The digital transformation brought by 5G is redefining current models of end-to-end (E2E) connectivity and service reliability to include security-by-design principles. These principles highlight the importance of embedding security capabilities from the very beginning while 5G architecture is being defined and standardized. Achieving 5G trustworthiness through such approaches is necessary to enable 5G to achieve its promises particularly for MTC and URLLC. Security requirements need to overlay and permeate through the physical, network, transport, and application layers of 5G systems, as well as different parts of an E2E 5G architecture, within a risk management framework that takes into account the evolving security threats landscape. The IEEE Future Networks Initiative (FNI) security Working Group’s Roadmap follows a taxonomic structure, differentiating 5G security functional pillars compared to previous generations, and corresponding cybersecurity risks. In this talk we expand on 5G security challenges and opportunities, with a focus on two specific security use-cases to highlight the risks, and finally provide a summary of the FNI Security working group activities.