IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Student Paper Contest


  Download Call for Student Paper Contest


IEEE WF-IoT 2021 would like to invite will continue the tradition of holding a Student Paper Contest. Papers submitted for the Student Paper Contest must have the presenting student as the first author on the paper. The first author must be a registered student at the time of paper submission. Additional authors are allowed as long as the student presenter is the first author. Competitions are a key component of academic events, as they comprise effective means for making rapid progress in specific topics. By posing a challenge to the academic community, competition organizers contribute to pushing the state of the art in specific subjects and/or to solve research problems of practical importance. We invite to all WF-IoT community to submit challenge papers to be part of the WF-IoT 2021 competition program. We especially encourage competition papers from emerging fields or new application scenarios relevant to the Internet of things. Interdisciplinary topics that could attract a significant cross-section of the community are highly valued.


For more information contact Ahmed Abdelgawad, email: