IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Industry Forum Proposal Submissions


  Download the Call for Proposals


The Internet of Things has transitioned from trials and demonstrations to accelerating deployments across industry and the public sector.  It has been driven by any number of spectacular innovations from commercial organizations, university research groups and the maker community.  User acceptance of network connected devices varies widely but actual deployments have certainly demonstrated commercial viability that is now driving R&D investment and new product announcements on a weekly basis.

While such developments are certainly to be celebrated, there are warning signs too. Some of the IoT devices that have reached the market have been insecure or have exposed users, or their networks, to risk and privacy violation, and some have been permanently disabled when the suppliers business objectives have changed. Further, McKinsey, in a recent study, indicated that over 50% of IoT deployment projects have failed. These events have had significant media coverage and they present a reputational risk to the IoT with the potential for attendant negative consequences for acceptance of the IoT in the wider community.

It is therefore essential that there are open fora for the exchange of innovation, experience and challenges among all members of the IoT community. Without such fora best practice cannot be established, proposals for standards cannot germinate, researchers cannot be directed and early mistakes in product deployment relating to reliability, user experience, availability, performance and security will all be repeated many times over. Worst of all, the promise of IoT may be lost because end users do not trust the technology or its proponents.

To address these issues there will be an Industry Forum, as part of the 2021 IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things as part of its technical program. This forum is intended for industrialists, academics and makers and is intended to encourage a dialog and active and vigorous exchange between all stakeholders to address exactly these issues. The format for the Forum is principally as a face to face event, with the possibility of remote participation if COVID-19 circumstances dictate. In the limiting case it will be conducted virtually.  The Forum is planned as a series of panels, each devoted to a specific aspect of IoT, conducted as an open and collegiate exchange of information with the objectives to:

  • Understand the limitations of current IoT knowledge to guide future research topics
  • Share best practice for commercial IoT development, deployment and maintenance so early mistakes are not repeated many times over
  • Highlight the risks that the IoT can expose so that these can be mitigated and avoided
  • Create networks of excellence across the academic, maker and commercial communities to jointly push forward the boundaries of IoT science
  • Reduce the knowledge transfer barriers between the academic, maker and industrial communities

Panel presentation will be published after the event on the WF-IoT 2021 conference web site. Attendees are encouraged to form informal networks post event and the open sharing of contact information for that purpose will be highly encouraged.


  • An Industry Forum track may take the form of a talk, an invited presentation, panels or demonstrations around a targeted topic. The forum chairs will determine the exact format of each  track based on the proposals received. Proposers should expect discussions with the track chairs following submission of their initial proposal to hone their proposition.
  • Proposers are particularly encouraged to suggest thematic sessions that will be of interest to multiple stakeholder groups across the IoT community.
  • Proposals that can act as ‘kickstart’ initiatives with the potential to lead to ongoing collaboration will be particularly well received.
  • It is planned to form multiple (3 to 6) tracks in the Industry Forum.

Submission Instructions

Due to the breadth of opportunity the Industrial Forum presents a proposal for participation should be submitted in prose form. The submission should contain, as a minimum, the name of the submitter and any affiliation, the intended audience and objectives of the session. Further, it should contain an abstract together with information about the scope, any prior activity in the subject area and a brief biographical outline of the intended session leaders/presenters. Other information may be submitted as appropriate to support the proposal. Proposers may approach the forum chairs informally for additional guidance if required.

While it is highly desirable to not constrain the session topics, it is essential that they maintain relevance to the technical program, and this should be noted in the proposal. Proposals must be submitted electronically. See for more information.

Suggested Topics (not exhaustive)

  • IoT over 5G/6G
  • IoT for the New Normal
  • Security and privacy in IoT systems
  • Smart Cities and Smart Society
  • Drone/V2X IoT Applications, Technologies and Challenges
  • AI and Machine Learning
  • Neuromorphic computing and its application to IoT
  • Cloud and Fog/Edge Computing, Networking and Storage
  • IoT Blockchain
  • Security and Privacy

Important Dates

Proposal Submission Deadline:                                  22nd March 2021
Proposal Acceptance Notification:                              13th April 2021
Slides and Presentation Material Submission:            24th  May 2021


Yoshihiro Ohba          KIOXIA Corporation, Japan           (
Dave Marples Technolution BV, The Netherlands           (