IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Call for Vertical and Topical Speakers


  Download Call for Vertical and Topical Speakers


If you are interested in being a speaker and/or recommending a speaker, please, submit the following information to the Vertical and Topical program chairs, Adam and Stan Moyer,, by June 14th, 2021.


Are you interested to take a part in shaping the future of IoT technologies? Are you interested in adding new dimensions to your current IoT projects? Are you interested in making your IoT system real smart?  If you are, IEEE WFIoT 2021 is the right place to be.


The Vertical and Topical Tracks will address the practical aspects of IoT implementation, adoption, deployment, and operation. The V&T Tracks are aimed at a general but knowledgeable audience with an emphasis on the IoT challenges and successes in industry, the public sector, and major demonstrations and trials conducted by the research community. The theme for 2021 is The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on IoT. The topics for the tracks were specifically chosen because they are of high interest to IoT globally as well as the area around New Orleans and the Gulf region. The format for each Track is highly interactive and consists of presentations by leading experts, providers, and end-users from around the world, to address technical, business, and experiential issues. Each session within a track focuses on a specific subject that is also of interest locally and consists of in-depth presentations, moderated panels or roundtables, and an open question period from the audience. The list of high-level topics is shown below. A more detailed description of each track can be found through the WFIoT2021 Program Page.  If you are interested in being a speaker and/or recommending a speaker, please, submit the following information to the Vertical and Topical program chairs, Adam Drobot, and Stan Moyer,, by June 14, 2021

  • Title and abstract of the suggested talk
  • Bio and brief CV
  • Any suggested plans, ideas, and/or demonstration


IoT Vertical Sessions

      • Agriculture
      • Energy and Power
      • Environment
      • Healthcare and Medicine
      • Manufacturing and Industry
      • Smart Cities

IoT Topical Area Sessions

      • Artificial Intelligence
      • Communications and Networks
      • Computing
      • Data and Digitalization
      • Security, Privacy and Trust
      • Sensors and Sensor Systems

If you are interested in being a presenter and speaker or would like to recommend a speaker please use the instructions above. All presentations are by invitation. If any invited presenters would also like to submit a paper for publication, then that option is available, if desired. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed for acceptance in IEEE Xplore and there is no guarantee that papers submitted by invited presenters will be accepted.  We do require all speakers and presenters to register for the Conference. We look forward to having you join us and participate in the exciting program for WFIoT2021! The deadline for paper submissions is May 24th, 2021. Please indicate the Vertical or Topical Track your papers is associated with and submit the paper to:


More information can be found through the conference website at Presentations from past IEEE IoT Initiative events can be reached through