IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Special Sessions and Workshops Submissions


  Download Special Sessions and Workshop Submissions


IEEE WF-IoT 2021 would like to invite researchers, scientists and engineers in the Internet of Things (IoT) community to organize focused special sessions and workshops which concentrate on critical and emerging topics in the IoT. Special sessions are broad-interest sessions within the technical conference program. A key aspect of special sessions is that they should be interesting, timely and informative, while not overlapping with the content of the traditional technical program. Each session is expected to have four (or five) papers. The organizer can provide an overview of the topic area and three (or four) contributors exploring different facets of the chosen topic. We expect that these special sessions will raise visibility on topics of focused interest in particular scientific or application areas, establish synergies, and explore new opportunities. The papers from industry in a special session proposal is encouraged and will be positively evaluated when the proposal is assessed. The organizer of the special session is responsible for selecting papers and ensuring publication quality in the session.

If you would like to organize a special session/workshop, please submit a proposal to special session/workshop chair YK Chen, email:, Soumya Datta, email:, Khalid Elgazzar, email:, and general chair Magdy Bayoumi, email:


How to Submit

1.Special session/workshop title

2.Length of the special session/workshop (half/full-day)

3.Names, main contact, and a short bio (200 words) of the organizers

4.Brief description of the special session including abstract, scope and timeliness.

5.Planned format of the special session, including projected number of referred papers/talks, hot topic sessions, keynotes, and panel discussions.

6.Potential participants including program committee members and invited speakers.

7.Brief description of publicity plan

8.Prior history of the special session (if any)

The selection committee will choose the special session proposals based on the topic, quality of the overview paper, and the contributors’ qualification. The selected special sessions will be informed to submit the full versions. The organizers need to ensure the quality of special papers. For submission instruction, please refer to the regular paper submission guidelines. Note that if less papers in a special session are accepted, the special session may be cancelled and the accepted special papers will go to regular sessions for more information contact special session chair YK Chen, Soumya Datta, and general chair Magdy Bayoumi.

Important Dates

Special session proposal submission Deadline: January 21, 2021

Acceptance Notification: February 21, 2021