IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Special Sessions Track 19.6

IoT for Smart Grids 

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: January 15, 2020

Author decision notification: January 26, 2020

Final paper & copyright submit deadline: February 27, 2020


    Paper Submission



Smart grid is a revolutionary undertaking – entailing new communications-and-control capabilities, energy sources, generation models and adherence to cross-jurisdictional regulatory structures. Successful rollout will demand objective collaboration, integration, and interoperability among a phenomenal array of disciplines, including computational and communications control systems for generation, transmission, distribution, customer, operations, markets and service provider. It is evident that Internet-of-Things sits at the core of the aspirations of the Smart Grid and will be an enabler and a necessity for the path forward. The session will welcome contributions on all Smart Grid subjects that have a clear data-intense aspect and aim to handle the intertwined roles of various sources of data in an effort to materialize a more efficient operation of the power system, which in turn requires the coordination of and actuation on multiple decision variables.




  • Panayiotis (Panos) Moutis:

Panos (PhD 2015, NTUA Greece) joined DEPsys, Switzerland, as a Marie Curie fellow on September 2018 and is a Systems Scientist at the Scott Institute for Energy Innovation at Carnegie Mellon University, USA, since August 2018, following his appointment as a postdoctoral research associate at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Feb. 2016) at the same University. In 2014 he was awarded a fellowship by Arup, UK (through the University of Greenwich), on the “Research Challenge of Balancing Urban Microgrids in Future Planned Communities”, whereas in 2013 he won the “IEEE Sustainability 360o Contest” on the topic of Power. Between 2007 and 2015, as part of the research group SmartRUE, Greece, he contributed in over a dozen R&D projects funded by the European Commission. He has published more than 25 papers, contributed to 2 book chapters and has accumulated over 10 years of experience as a technical consultant on projects of Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency. He is a senior member of multiple IEEE societies, task-group chair in two IEEE standards working groups, Chair of the IEEE Smart Grid Publications Committee, Editor-in-Chief of the “IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter”, and has served as the Editor-in-Chief of the “IEEE Smart Grid Compendium of Journal Publications, vol. 1”.

  • IEEE Smart Grid