IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things
14 June–31 July 2021 // New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

News and Announcements

Attend the WF-IoT Entrepreneurship Program FREE  – July 26-31
The IEEE WF-IoT 2021 concludes with a very exciting 6-day program focused on Entrepreneurship beginning on Monday, July 26th.  Presentations each day will start at 10:30am and end at 12:30pm US Eastern Time. We will start on July 26 with a presentation on the IEEE Entrepreneur Program and an overview of the Entrepreneur Process and the resources that are available to support the aspiring Entrepreneur.  Each of the following days, speakers will share their experiences in creating IoT-based StartUps!

On the last day, July 31, we will have a spirited competition of StartUps making their “Pitches”.  The Audience will give honest feedback to help these StartUps learn and perfect their individual Pitches. 

Please register to receive instructions to access the program.

More Information about the Entrepreneurial Program


     Register Now




The session originally scheduled as part of the Vertical Track (Vert5) on “Energy and Power” on July 24th has been rescheduled. The new date is Wednesday July 28th 10:30am-12:30pm EDT. This is an important session with outstanding cast of international speakers and consists of: 

Oluwatobi Oyinlola, Entrepreneur & Consultant, Nigeria

“How IoT is solving fuel theft in Africa”

Gabriel Santos, Equatorial Energia, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil

Rogério Diógenes, Nepen, Fátima, Brazil

“Use of LoRa Technology for Supervision & Management of Electric Power Grid & Smart Metering using DLMS & Other Protocols”

Yang Weng, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

“Heterogeneous Transfer Learning for Power Systems”

Panayiotis Moutis, Carnegie Mellon, University, Pittsburgh, PA USA

“Distributed Optimization and Wavelet Synopsis Techniques for IoT data in Power Systems”



  • Now, get ready to dive into the practical world of IoT, its reality, experiences from deployments, business models, employment patterns, operations, results from large projects and pilots, case studies, new and emerging technologies, lessons learned, and successes and challenges.  This part of WF-IoT2021 consists of two events. They are the Vertical and Topical Tracks which run July 12th-July 24th and include over 150 presentations and are followed by the Entrepreneurial Program scheduled for July 26th–July 31st. All the sessions are scheduled for 10:30am-12:30pm US Eastern Time (EDT). The format is two to four speakers per session followed by a moderated discussion with open Q&A from the audience. Our aim again, is to foster a high level of interaction between all the participants at the conference. We encourage you to openly share experiences and lessons learned that will help accelerate IoT adoption and help overcome impediments and solve the tough business, operational, and technical problems that we face as a community.

  • The V&T Tracks are led by recognized experts and practitioners and are aimed at a general but knowledgeable audience. They are intended to cover a range of issues ranging from IoT business models to the deepest technical problems faced in realistic IoT deployments, addressing manufacturing, fielded products, services, processes, and research.


Vertical Tracks


Topical Tracks


  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation have become two highly searched for words on Google. Every country, region, city, and university have established entities that promote the growth of Startups that they hope will create new industries and jobs. Every company in the world has people focused on what they can do next to grow their business. The IEEE has established a Board Level committee that is promoting Entrepreneurship and the development of resources for its members that want to create opportunities within their own company or take the risk and create a Startup venture.

  • This Entrepreneurial Program will detail the process for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, resources, and how the Internet of Things is the foundation for the biggest growth of StartUps that has ever existed. The program is led by experienced practitioners and includes presenters from well-known VC firms!

  • The program is intended to inspire, educate, enable, and empower researchers, industry professionals, and students who have the “Start Up bug” in turning their ideas into new products and services but are not sure of how to go about it. You cannot learn everything in one day; however, the participants will become a part of an IEEE led ecosystem that will provide much-needed ongoing support to launch their initiatives while being realistic about their envisioned ideas and products. The program consists of a two hour session per day and ends with a spirited Start Up Competition.


  • A Summary of the first part of WF-IoT 2021 and Recordings from the outstanding Plenary Sessions Can be found through the following links:






  • The third week of IEEE WF-IoT 2021 is underway!  Authors and attendees, please be on the lookout for emails from Lena Wu at IEEE ComSoc, which will contain the link information to join the sessions. This week we will be holding Q&A and Discussions for all Technical Papers. Please make sure that you attend your designated Session.  We will also be holding Discussions and Presentations for the following:

    • Special Sessions
    • Workshops
    • Industry Forums
    • Ph.D. and Masters Forum
    • Demonstrations
    • Selection of the Best Student Paper



  •   The first week of IEEE WF-IoT2021 (June 14th – June 18th) is coming to an end. It has seen the delivery of nine Tutorials that are characteristic of the broad range of technologies and applications touched by IoT. We want to thank the Tutorial Week Organizers and Lecturers for their effort and for the quality of the material that was presented.
  • The events for the upcoming portion of the program (June 21st – June 25th) are conducted as both Virtual and In-Person in New Orleans in a Hybrid Format. The sessions will have both local and remote speakers and panelists and a remote audience from across the world. The highlights are:
    • Plenary Sessions (Hybrid) 
      • Monday June 21st – Keynotes by Walter Isaacson and David Tennenhouse
      • Tuesday June 22nd – Plenary Panel: “European IoT Research and Large Scale Pilots – Lessons Learned and Future Research Perspectives”
      • Wednesday June 23rdPlenary Panel: “Platform for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) – Testbeds for IoT: Program Directions and Results” 
    • Sessions on Technologies and Applications of IoT (Hybrid) 
      • Monday June 21st              Flood Forecasting

                                                    Smart Cities

      • Tuesday June 22nd           Edge and Fog Computing

                                                    Communications and Networking

      • Wednesday June 23rd     IoT and Covid-19

                                                    Tourism and Cultural Heritage

    • Sessions for Young Professionals 
      • Tuesday June 22nd          Career Growth and Resilience in a Time of Change (Virtual)
      • Wednesday June 23rd     Insights for Young Professionals and Mixer (Hybrid)


    • The IoT Live Slam (Hybrid)   
      • Thursday June 24th                       
      The IoT Community Program for Practitioners – a full day with Industry Leaders
    • Women in Engineering and IoT Forum (Virtual) 
      • Friday June 25th              1. All Things Spectrum in a Wirelessly Connected World

2. Leadership: Insights, Experience, and Lessons Learned from Women in Business, Technology, and Academia 

    • Technical Program (On Demand)

Papers and Presentations will be accessible through the Whova App for full program registrants. The material includes: Peer Reviewed Papers, Presentations, and Recordings of Talks by the Peer Reviewed Paper Authors.

The material will be online June 20th – July 1st.


Revised IEEE 7th World Forum on the Internet of Things WF-IoT2021 Format and Key dates for the Virtual and Face-Face Conference Events:

  • IEEE WF-IoT2021 will be conducted as a Virtual and a Face-Face Conference. In view of the guidance about the COVID Pandemic and continued restrictions on international travel we have elected to hold the conference and all of its components in their entirety. In doing so we will provide all participants with a safe and convenient way to be involved. At the same time, we have programmed the World Forum to be highly interactive and timed presentations to encourage broad participation from around the Globe.
  • The Face-Face portion of the event will be held in New Orleans as originally planned and viewable by all registrants on-line. It will be conducted with proper precautions taken by the Conference Hotel, in a format that provides for social distancing and wearing of masks by all local attendees in accordance with best practices. The New Orleans program is built around topics of specific interest to New Orleans but also important for IoT. These include Workshops/Special Sessions on IoT for dealing with COVID-19, Flood Control and Mitigation, and the Hospitality Industry, a portion of the Vertical Track on Smart Cities, and a portion of the Topical Track on Communications and Networking.
  • The Virtual portion of the event will focus on daily sessions from 10:30am-12:30pm US Eastern Time, allowing for better access from remote locations. The Virtual Program Sessions will consist of prerecorded material for all Technical Peer Reviewed Papers but live speakers on-line for all other aspects of the conference.
  • All Exhibit participation will be conducted and accommodated virtually and available on-line for the duration of the conference. All Sponsorship signage will be included in the Face-Face as well as Virtual Session materials.


Dates What When (EDT) How
June 14th– June 18th Tutorials 10:30am-12:30pm On-line with live lecturers
June 20th – July 1st Technical Peer Reviewed Paper Presentations On demand Pre-recorded and available on-line
June 20th – July 31st Exhibits and Sponsorship Recognition On demand Virtual Exhibit Rooms and Session Signage
June 21st– June 23rd  New Orleans Face-Face Program 08:00am-10:30am



Local and on-line


June 21st– June 23rd  Plenary Speakers and Panels 10:30am-12:30pm


On-line with live speakers
June 24th New Orleans

IoT Community Slam

08:00am-06:30pm Local and on-line
June 25th Women in IoT 10:30am-12:30pm


On-line with live speakers
June 28th – July 1st Technical Paper, Workshop, Special Session, and Industry Panel Discussion Sessions 10:30am-12:30pm


On-line with live participants
July 12th – July 17th

July 19th – July 24th

Vertical and Topical Track Program 10:30am-12:30pm


On-line with live speakers
July 26th – July 31st Entrepreneurial Program 10:30am-12:30pm


On-line with live speakers


The 7th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things is the premier event of the Multi-Society IEEE IoT Initiative [] and is held jointly with the IoT Community []. The Theme for WFIoT2021 is “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on IoT”. You will find a comprehensive and exciting program that brings the latest developments from industry and the business world, the most important people from across the breath of the IoT ecosystem, news of significant innovations and advances from the research and academic community, and shared experiences from practitioners and end-users about the successes and challenges of IoT deployments. The World Forum is all about the nurture and promotion of IoT for the benefit of society and humanity. The conference is focused on the betterment of life through the responsible and ethical adoption of IoT technologies, applications, and solutions.


The World Forum brings together experts in IoT from around the globe and the diverse community of stakeholders that make up the IoT ecosystem. Today that touches almost all sectors of the world economy. The program covers topics of importance to IoT as well as aspects of IoT important to New Orleans, the surrounding area, and the Gulf Coast. There are multiple distinct aspects to the WFIoT2021 reflecting the vast range of activities and interests in IoT. The first is aimed at the Research and Academic community and consists of Technical peer reviewed papers with an emphasis on novel and original results and advanced ideas important and relevant to IoT. The second is aimed at participation from a wide but knowledgeable general audience and experienced speakers with diverse professional backgrounds and is focused on the practical aspects of IoT adoption important to the success of IoT Applications and Solutions in different Verticals and Markets. The format is aimed at fostering an active and intense dialog that includes involvement from government, industry, the research and development community, and end-users. It is intended to foster the exchange of experiences, challenges, and successes with IoT. The third is about the professional aspects of IoT and includes Women In Engineering, Young Professionals, and Entrepreneurs! The Plenary sessions, addressing all registrants to WFIoT2021, consist of panels and presentations from the foremost technologists and industry leaders in IoT and in subject areas critical to IoT. Lastly the conference concludes with the IoT Slam Live, focused on topics of interest to Business and Industry.

  • Technical Program
    • Technical Paper Presentations
    • Technical Paper Discussions
    • Workshops
    • Special Sessions
    • Industrial Research Forum
    • PhD/Master Forum
    • Demonstrations
    • Tutorials
  • Plenary Sessions
    • Industry Leaders
    • Research Initiatives
    • Deployment Experiences
  • Vertical and Topical Tracks
    • Verticals: Agriculture; Environment; Healthcare and Medicine; Manufacturing and Industry; Power and Energy; Smart Cities.
    • Topicals: Artificial Intelligence; Communications and Networks; Computing; Data and Digitization; Security, Privacy, and Trust; Sensors and Sensor Systems.
  • Women in Engineering Program
  • Young Professionals Program
  • Entrepreneurial Program
  • IoT Slam Live – by the IoT Community
    • Keynotes
    • Centers of Excellence in IoT Presentations
    • Panel Discussions
    • Applications and Solutions
    • On Demand Presentations
  • Exhibits and Displays


We hope that you will be involved in WFIoT2021, either virtually or in person in New Orleans. We encourage you to be an active participant and enjoy the extensive and exciting content that reflects the progression of IoT and the increasing pace of innovation and deployment in IoT solutions. Please join us if you are: an executive, administrator, or strategist working in IoT; responsible for management of an IoT project, product, or IoT business development; in the public sector pursuing an IoT deployment or actively engaged in one; a technologist or individual contributor specializing in IoT or one of the important technology areas for IoT; offering IoT services; a researcher or in academia and engaged with IoT; or just curious what IoT is all about and how it may impact your life.


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  • Inventures logo

    Communications & Networking, Smart Cities and Sensors & Sensor Systems Tracks

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